The Business Forum

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A Business Forum Round Table Luncheon
The Benson Hotel in Portland, Oregon

Mobile & Social e-Commerce

Comments from our Guests

From a public sector perspective, the most important value of the Business Forum is the exposure to private sector industry representatives with the engagement that follows on shared values and solutions to common challenges.  Contrary to public perception, we all share the same goal of providing goods and services as efficiently and effectively as we can.  Learning from mistakes and opportunities is always a good thing.   

John Radford
State Controller
State of Oregon

I really enjoyed the Business Forum Luncheon. The topic of Social Networking and e-Commerce is a very timely one for many companies and state agencies. The discussion allowed for an open and frank exchange of ideas on topics that all the participants are facing. In particular, it made us recognize that, not only is technology changing, but also the way our customers expect to receive information is changing too.

Jeffrey M. Marecic

Information Services Division Administrator
Oregon Public Employees Retirement System

Thanks, John. I enjoyed the luncheon. The meeting provided a great opportunity to network and converse with a diverse group of business colleagues, about topics that will continually enhance our business process and effectiveness.

Lisa Van Laanen
Assistant Director, Administration
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

John: Good meeting, indeed.  Nice to see you back in the City of Roses.  In the space of over an hour, this timely meeting in Portland covered key issues in Social Media ranging from the more effective marketing of recreational opportunities in the Oregon State Park system to the intergenerational challenges of social media in the workplace. Social media is a rapidly evolving phenomenon, and the attendees at this lunch would all agree that we should all stay strapped in as the ride is going to be most interesting.

Steve  Heck
Director of Operations
Synergy Consulting

John:  It was certainly my pleasure in being able to attend the Business Forum meeting last Thursday in Portland.  The talent present and the conversation that resulted on the topic of ecommerce and social media was first class.  The experience of the individuals at the table and their willingness to engage one another in a dynamic give and take delivered a high-level and fascinating look into current trends, prospects for application and success, as well as where the bumps are still in the road that create pause and caution.

Thanks for your leadership, the gift of good food, and delivering on the promise of insightful, engaging, and professionally stimulating conversation. 

Mark Story
Regional Human Resources Manager
Recovery Division/West-Southwest
CRC Health Group


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