The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
  their presentation is provided or available." �        �Thomas Mann, 1896

 In the words of our Guests . . .

From a public sector perspective, the most important value of the Business Forum is the exposure to private sector industry representatives with the engagement that follows on shared values and solutions to common challenges.  Contrary to public perception, we all share the same goal of providing goods and services as efficiently and effectively as we can.  Learning from mistakes and opportunities is always a good thing.   

John Radford, State Controller
State of Oregon

I really enjoyed the Business Forum Luncheon. The topic of Social Networking and e-Commerce is a very timely one for many companies and state agencies. The discussion allowed for an open and frank exchange of ideas on topics that all the participants are facing. In particular, it made us recognize that, not only is technology changing, but also the way our customers expect to receive information is changing too.

Jeffrey M. Marecic, Information Services Division Administrator

Oregon Public Employees Retirement System

I enjoyed the luncheon. The meeting provided a great opportunity to network and converse with a diverse group of business colleagues, about topics that will continually enhance our business process and effectiveness.

Lisa Van Laanen, Assistant Director, Administration
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

Good meeting, indeed.  Nice to see you back in the City of Roses.  In the space of over an hour, this timely meeting in Portland covered key issues in Social Media ranging from the more effective marketing of recreational opportunities in the Oregon State Park system to the intergenerational challenges of social media in the workplace. Social media is a rapidly evolving phenomenon, and the attendees at this lunch would all agree that we should all stay strapped in as the ride is going to be most interesting.

Steve  Heck, Director of Operations
Synergy Consulting

The Business forum is a wonderful experience and gives a significant amount of good leadership and integrity. The forum must continue to enhance its' capability of supporting the technology forum.  There must always be a voice and a segment that will define the  understanding of what the computer and technology industry is all about.  There is much value that can be contributed by bringing sponsorship and quality intellectuals together in one room.  I might add the forum allows cultivated professionals to exchange ideas and intermingle on numerous great possibilities. I wish you continued success.

Shonita Stevenson   Director, Information Security
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services

Where else can I have access to so many people in the business community, network with my peers, hear world class experts on subjects I need to keep up with, and get a first class lunch!

Matthew Gonzales, National Facilities Director
Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc.

The Business Forum provides a very positive service as a lubricant in the vendor/consumer relationship.

Tim Rowan  Information Systems Security Officer
Multnomah County, Oregon

I just wanted to thank you for the Forum at the Biltmore Hotel last week.  What can I say - that you could get Adobe, IBM, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, SSP, SolSoft & SafeNet to participate at the same table is unequalled, the only other organization I know of that could put those seven companies in the room to be asked questions is the Justice Department, and they could only do it by legal means.  Then you pack in 36 of the top CIO’s and CISO’s in Los Angeles County!  Absolutely brilliant - and the food and service were 5 star to say the least.  Anyone who has the opportunity to attend one of the forums in this series and does not do so would be an idiot!

Dr. Paul Rosenthal  Professor of Information Systems
California State University, Los Angeles

"Thanks for the wonderful meeting at the Westin last week.  The information was good for me to hear and I appreciate being invited to the meeting.  Till next time..."

Trish Landau
Huntington Beach Union High School District

"This is probably the most informative forum I attend.  It is the only one that receives priority in my schedule."

John Stenbeck, Information Systems Director
Southwest Marine Inc.

Great idea. Very pleasing learning environment. The mixture of people and industries was excellent!

David Marlowe, Operations Manager
Academy of Art College.

Since this was my first meeting, I didn't know what to expect. I found it [to be] very informative and hope to attend more in the future.

Gail Schettkoe, Administrative Manager
Acorn Engineering Company

This was one of the best meetings I have attended... a lot of good information, and the way it was presented was great.

Gerry W. Cline, General Manager
Aerospace Aluminum Heat Treating Inc.

It was without a doubt the most efficient and effective luncheon meeting that I have ever attended.

Diane Stumph, Controller
American Mobile Nurses Inc.

Outstanding. I thought I had the subject matter under control - now I know I have to fix a problem!!

William A. Timmerman, Chief Financial Officer
American Technologies & Materials Inc.

Small group setting was a very good way to encourage participation.

Linda Thompson, Human Resources Services Coordinator
American Savings Bank

Enjoyed the luncheon, it was very informative and gave me a new outlook on the subject. Thank you.

Frank Picetti, Production Manager
Anacomp Corporation.

Excellent meeting! Provided both resources and a place to share all our concerns. Very good source of information.

Stephen Worth, Director of Electronics
Amot Controls Inc.

...great meeting, very helpful...

Leah Prieto, Employment Coordinator
Anaheim Manufacturing Company

I was very impressed. I am looking forward to more. Very stimulating. It was a pleasure meeting some peers.

Gordon Jones, IS Manager
Ardrox Inc.

This was my first [meeting], I was impressed.

James Breshears, Manager Quality Video Production
Atari Games Corporation

Well worth my time. A good informal information exchange that stimulated thought and evaluation of current work methods.

Robert Moisoff, Project Consultant
Union Bank of California

Good interaction with all the participants, enhanced by timely remarks through the moderator. This meeting could not have been any more timely or current to business needs. Thanks again.

Harold Bringman, Manager of Environmental Compliance
Barksdale Controls Inc.

I found the discussions stimulating, the people interesting and regret that I had not previously attended these luncheons.

Rudolf C. Wolf, Vice President & General Manager
Barksdale Controls Inc.

Excellent! Due to the diversity of attendees the moderator made it very easy for us all to understand the issues, questions and answers.

Barbara Ostrovsky, Personnel & Benefits Administrator
Bristol Industries Inc.

As with all meetings I attended, excellent!

Kerry Sarutzki, Engineer
Byers Industries Inc.

A very informative meeting. Covered a lot of material without losing focus or time.

Donna McGrue, Data Processing Manager
California Amforge Inc.

Excellent! Hope to attend again.

Teri Olsen, Manager IS
Callaway Golf Company

The moderator was professional and personable. An interesting approach and unique method of presentation with all the group interacting.

Larry Tiffan, President
Caretaker Systems Inc.

Professional and informative.

John Charles Harrington, Vice President
Cass & Johansing

Very interesting. I would like to attend future meetings.

Ruth Tucker, Director of Human Resources
Century 21 Real Estate Group

Lunch was very tasty. Speakers enlightening. Audience participation contributed to the quality of the event.

Kate Griffith, Deputy Director of Defense
City of Inglewood

Excellent as always. I continue to be impressed with both The Business Forum and the various meetings I have attended.

Neil Drucker, Environmental Supervisor
City of Los Angeles.

Good mix of people. Discussion was interesting.

Robert Lum, Parking Systems Coordinator
City of Los Angeles Dept. of Transportation

Very professional, warm and friendly. Excellent format for networking with other business executives.

Jimmy Price, Parking Enforcement Manager
City of Los Angeles Dept. of Transportation

Very helpful since the subject is one we've been looking at rather closely

Cathy Novak, Senior Management Analyst
City of Los Angeles Dept. of Transportation

Very informative. I did not want the time to end. I could use the experience and sage advice on a weekly basis.

Selena Burgess, Senior Project Coordinator
City of Los Angeles

Very good (forum) as usual. The smaller sized group makes participation easier and you get more in depth information.

Rula Adranly, Director Human Resources
City of San Francisco DPAS.

Excellent! Meets the needs I am, or have been struggling with.

Katherine Jenno, Information Systems Director
City of Torrance

...very beneficial...

Chuck Bailey, Director of Personnel
CityTeam Ministries

The forum was very informative, offering possible solutions to [problems] corporations are currently facing.

Eric Harakuni, Tax Manager
Clarion Corporation of America

This meeting was timely, the speaker well prepared and knowledgeable. There was a strong representation from the business community.

Christy Crandall, Vice President of Operations
Component Resources Inc.

Topics are very relevant.

Gary Mofield, Manager Internal Audit Department
Computer Sciences Corporation

Those (meetings) that I have attended always provide good information.

Forrest Doolittle, President
Cook Induction Heating Company

Concept is excellent. Please continue.

Bill Leigh, President
Coordinated Insurance Services Inc.

Useful information, thought provoking, new perspectives raised new prerogatives. Thank you.

Bradley L. Jacobs, Assessor of Orange County
County of Orange

Allows business professionals opportunity to get together and discuss problem and solutions.

Daniel Tappen, Industrial Hygiene Supervisor
County of San Diego

Interesting discussion!

John Moylan, President
Delsen Testing Laboratories Inc.

Excellent as always. A great chance to meet with other professionals.

Jennifer Howard, Systems Administrator
Delta Marine Industries Inc.

...helpful, demonstrated others' perspectives, well-paced...

Steven Votaw, T.I.S. Director
Discovery Toys

To the point. Full of substance. Worth the time spent.

Hamid Daudani, Vice President of Finance
Dixieline Lumber Corporation

I enjoyed the discussion and feel other topics often covered are relevant to our concerns in today's business environment.

Cheryl Berman, Loss Prevention Manager
Dixieline Lumber

Valuable information. It was thoroughly enjoyable, because the moderator kept the discussion on target and avoided digressions from the subject.

John Dennis, Vice President, Facilities Management
Downey Savings

I want to thank you for allowing me to participate. I found the meeting informative.

Donald K. Gansheimer, Chief Financial Officer
Drew Health Foundation

Informative and productive, conducted on a timely basis.

Jerry Hochheiser, Vice President Manufacturing
Dynatrol National Corporation

...good interaction in the group...

Bob Cimino, Director of Human Resources
Electro Scientific Industries Inc.

Excellent group of attendees.

Glenda Dick, Vice President
Elite Benefits Insurance Marketing Services

Forums continue to be very informative on significant issues.

Karen Reilly, Senior PC Analyst
ELS Educational Services Inc.

Received better idea of happenings in L.A. area industry.

Douglas R. Miles, Data Security Administrator
Farmers Insurance Group

My first time in attendance. . . the information exchange made it time well spent. I hope I can attend another.

Stanley Ito, Systems Programmer
Farmers Insurance Company

The presentation was a unique approach...

Dwight Doerr, Director of Marketing
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation

Excellent! Thought provoking and stimulating.

Lawrence McNeil, Senior Vice President
First Pacific Advisors

Most worthwhile. It opened my eyes to current developments in the management information field.'s always good to get a current outside look at the situation.

J. W. Fenner, Risk Management
Fremont Mutual Funds

I find the meetings informative and a good place to find out what my peers are experiencing.

Eva Sorin, Director Information Systems
Fujitsu America Inc.

I was invited to attend one of your luncheons and found it to be very stimulating and informative.

Charles C. Ivie, Attorney at Law
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher

It was interesting to hear the concerns of both large and small employers.

Mitch Golden, Vice President
Golden Health Insurance Services Inc.

...very good and informative...

Chuck Weissman, Workers' Compensation Administrator
Great Western Bank

Very good meeting! As usual. I made some good contacts for the future.

Ron Chase, Director of Operations
Gulton Statham Corporation

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Darrell Holmquist, IT Engineer
Hewlett-Packard Corporation

Excellent - general information but gained more knowledge from other attendees...[Moderator] really did a very good job in getting the most from the speakers, sponsors and attendees...great way of addressing issues and networking at the same time. I was impressed!

Peggy Oakey, Facilities Supervisor
Hitachi Computer Products

...the whole meeting was very good and worthwhile...

Leiv H. Blad, Chief Executive Officer
Hub Engineering Inc.

I always enjoy the meetings - informative, great atmosphere, they are always an education.

Carrie Childers, Compensation & Benefits Manager
Hub Distributing Company

Very helpful forum. I am looking forward to many more exciting meetings.

Anthony Serraima, Vice President of Finance
Industrial Bank of Japan

A very interesting format which is both helpful and informative. Also an interesting speaker. It was obviously beneficial for all the attendees.

Dennis Klahn, Controller
International Lottery & Totalizator Systems Inc.

Four years ago I met Michael Wald, MD at a Business Forum luncheon. It took us two years to figure out what to do. Last year we put together a revolutionary group health program for the employees of International Rectifier. We have saved over $1.5 million in the first year of its application. As you know, this program was written up by the Wall Street Journal as a truly innovative effort. Thanks to the Business Forum for getting us together.

Bob Anderson, Vice President Human Resources
International Rectifier Corporation

Highest possible marks! A forum like this is as necessary to business as air is to breathing. Please keep up the great work!

Burt Tschache, IS Director
IPEC Planer Corporation

I have found the Forums helpful, informative, and to the point.

Karl Kasai, Associate Health Safety & Environmental Coordinator
Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Excellent source of Information. I am looking forward to the next time.

Dana Arnett, Information Systems Director
JAE Oregon Inc.

I was so impressed with the quality of the setting, the flowers were beautiful, one of the best desserts I have ever eaten - very worthy of my time.

Alice R. Gerntson, HR Administrator
JAE Oregon Inc.


Richard Barrett, President
Janco Corporation

Provides an excellent opportunity to gain perspectives on issues and resolutions to problems raised by such issues.

Patrick Voon, Information Security Manager
Kaiser Permanente

Very informative. Subject matter was interesting.

Kenneth Woo, Director Procurement Engineering
Kaiser Electronics Inc.

The speakers knew their business well and were very interesting. Overall, and in one word - superb.

George Kaiser, Vice President
Kaiser Enterprises Inc.

I was impressed with the amount of information and ideas that were brought forth in the time frame allowed.

Ed Fitch, Vice President
La Habra Products Inc.

Please continue to offer members closed sessions of this caliber - it is important to be out front! First rate meeting!

Ed Maduli, Director Fiscal Administration
Las Positas College.

Good information - well presented with adequate time and access for questions.

Paul Linder, Manager of Systems
Lear Astronics Corporation

Very informational, brings back the focus on fundamentals. The meeting should have continued for another hour.

Louis Bollag, General Manager
Lonza Corporation

Thank you for inviting me. I learned three valuable tips that I have already implemented which will save money in my organization.

Donald Ledbetter, Director Human Resources
Loral Conic Corporation

This was my first luncheon and I was very favorably impressed. I would be interested in attending future events... thank you for inviting me.

Susan Norris, Human Resources Administrator
Magni Systems Inc.

Very professional and informative. Results oriented!

Sumiko Nagamine, Business Support & Coordination Mgr
Manufacturer's Bank.

I found The Business Forum to be better than all other meetings of it's type and was able to gain some very valuable information.

Dominic Masut, Managing Partner
Masut Hale & Associates UK Ltd.

They are great and invaluable to me!

Cheryl Brown, Human Resources Director
McCurdy Circuits Inc.

Thank you for an informative and stimulating Business Forum luncheon. I heard answers to many of my concerns.

Steve Pinello, Facility Manager Space Station
McDonnell Douglas Corporation

Very good overall - good information given...

R. V. Bell, Human Resources Supervisor
McKesson Water Products Inc.

Excellent meeting - In the true spirit of the 'business forum' good exchange of information.

Christine Connelly, Environmental Quality Manager
McKesson Water Products Inc.

The speakers were knowledgeable and articulate. The moderator was humorous. It was a good discussion with practical solutions.

James Gates, Director of Taxation
Medical Imaging Centers of America Inc.

This was the best meeting that I have attended. It addressed the issues faced by more senior executives.

Steven Shaw, Senior Vice President
Metro Goldwyn Mayer

Topic was timely and variety of attendees was appropriate.

Joan Anderson, Director of Human Resources
Metropolitan Theaters Corporation

Excellent as usual. The information presented was useful and timely. A wonderfully entertaining and effective moderator.

Gary Harrell, Systems Manager
Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Good working atmosphere - I heard valuable ideas that I can use.

Vladimir Volovik, Deputy Administrator
New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.

Excellent opportunity to meet with peers that have the same or common interests. . .

J. J. Singh, Senior Manufacturing Engineer
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Great line-up of speakers and an equally impressive group of attendees. It was a very informative and worthwhile meeting.

Jeff Mirich, Y2K Preparation Officer
Northrop Grumman Corporation.

Very enjoyable, relaxed and clearly focused on the purpose of the forum. I was very pleased with the experience.

Vint Vastine, Facility Engineering Manager
Northrop Grumman Corporation

It maintained my interest. I learned a great deal and was very impressed with the networking opportunity.

Timothy Fuller, Site Manager
Owens Corning Corporation.

The speaker was very knowledgeable and willing to help with individual problems. A very informative session.

Donald Markert, Safety Director
Pacific Racing Association

Very informative and organized and professional also.

Eunice T. Lowe, Human Resources Manager
Packard Hughes Interconnect Corporation

I was pleasantly surprised to find truly informative and engaging conversations. I am eagerly looking forward to attending more.

Mary Armstrong, Ethics Program Manager
Packard Hughes Corporation.

Experience was better than anticipated; informative & non-threatening.

Catherine A. Rubery, Director of Sales
Park Lane Hotels International

The Business Forum has provided the first meeting that was thoroughly organized and covered all the material within a set time.

Mary Vail, National Automation Mgr.
Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker

There is no doubt in my mind that The Business Forum can only help HR professionals do their job better, for the more information one has, the easier it is to make the right decision.

Chip Moore, Personnel Director
Pepperdine University

Informative, relevant, good pace.

David Peterson, Vice President Finance
Peter Pan Seafoods Inc.

It was great! We learned a lot in a short time. Much of the information will be of great value.

JoEllen Myers, Associate Administrator
Pleasanton Convalescent Hospital

...very favorably impressed...

James Murray, Treasurer
Prudential Overall Supply

The Business Forum is outstanding! Serves a great need directly to those in need. Thank you.

Lloyd McCausland, General Manager
Remo Inc.

I found your session on Executive Stress Management to be extremely interesting and informative.

Larry Manly, Vice President Operations
Rockwell International Corporation

Great idea. I found it well worthwhile, prevents re-inventing solutions. I liked the 'no sales pitch' rule.

Ian Cannon, Elimination Environmental Technology
Rockwell International Corporation

The subject was very interesting. Especially as we have used some very similar technology for some special applications. A very well run meeting.

Arie Passchier, Instrument Materials Manager
Rockwell International Corporation

This being my first forum, I wasn't sure what to expect. I enjoyed it!

Warren Stocker, Property Loss Control Manager
Safeway Inc.

Excellent! The speakers were very knowledgeable and candid. One of the best ways of sharing information I have encountered.

Dan Van Antwerp, Chief of Security
San Diego Zoo

The information I brought back to the company created great interest.

Robert Easley, Loss Control Manager
Seven Up Bottling Company

(The Forums) have always been very informative and enlightening. A great help when there is so much we must keep abreast of today.

Shirley Lane-Smith, Personnel Manager
Stacoswitch Corporation

The moderator was very friendly and humorous. The meeting was very informative. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give this one a 10.

Karen Vu, HR Administrator
Storm Products Company

...very well presented...

Parvez Erani, Technical Manager
St. Mary Medical Center

This is a good way to get several industries together for discussions that have synergistic results.

Joseph Wojno, Development Engineer
STC Submarine Inc.

The Business Forum has the perfect vehicle, a concept with 19th Century sophistication and charm, 20th Century acceptance and trust in the business community and 21st Century answers and solutions. A real class act!

Henry Guttentag, President
Sunway Products Inc.

Excellent format with industry professionals sharing ideas and problems in a `non-sales' atmosphere. Moderator did an excellent job of summarizing guests questions and speakers responses. Terrific Concept. Valuable service.

Deborah Freeman, Corporate Benefits Manager
Superior Industries International

The [forums] I have attended have been on interactive subjects and done very well.

Peter Gioe, Director Administration & Personnel
Sysorex International Inc.

The meeting was very informative, and the moderator really did a good job. He kept the meeting under control.

Erlinda Gauyan, Controller
Technetics Inc.

The forums are always good, timely subjects, good mix of attendees, great settings and great cuisine.

Sandy Ends, Human Resources Director
Teledyne Electronic Technologies

My first meeting and I am definitely interested in attending again!

Annette Baumgartner, Gen Mgr.Corp HR & Admin
The Aerospace Corporation.

Valuable exchange of information. Good opportunity to meet others with same issues.

Rick Roller, Manager Computer Disaster Preparedness
The Boeing Company

The Business Forum is a class act!

Charlie Michaels, Director of Disaster Recovery
Tishman Construction Corporation

Time well spent.

Rick Gundo, Director of Facilities Engineering
Toshiba America Inc.

The meeting was well done.

Sheldon Chase, Partner
Trademark Inc.

I enjoyed it very much. Both the speakers and the guests were able to contribute valuable information.

Donna Casey, Regional Personnel Manager
Trammell Crow Company

Very good - I usually come away with something useful.

Robert Bell, Corporate Data Security
TransAmerica Occidental Life Insurance Company

Extremely valuable and delightful. I learned more in half a day than I learned from numerous in-house meetings.

Nairi Avakian, Environmental & Regulatory Manager

...interesting and informative...

Jim Rose, President
UniSearch Inc.

Informative...made good contacts.

Louis Barbarelli, Senior Vice President & Director Operations
United Savings Bank

The speakers did an excellent job, the moderator was excellent. Great organization - great results.

Leonardo Israeli, IRIE Instructor
University of California Los Angeles

The meeting was enjoyable and informative. An excellent lunch. Thank you for the invitation.

John W. Luke, Chairman and CEO
Votan Corporation

Well run, good subject matter, good representation from a mix of Bay Area companies and good follow-up from the speakers.

Susan M. Engle, Director HR Administration
VISA Corporation

A very interesting and informative meeting. Thank you.

Kathryn Valverde, Legal Counsel
WaveTek Corporation

... very useful to participants...

Fred Spiegl, Director Division of Extended Studies
West Coast University

...excellent setting, good group of professionals with similar backgrounds and business concerns, stimulating discussion...

Joe Krupansky, Vice President Finance
WesTech Gear Corporation

Very interesting and informative. Enjoyed the open exchange between all attendees.

John Shabro, Director of Operations
WesTech Gear Corporation

Conducted well within time allotted... informational... interesting... [the moderator] always controls the meetings well.

Barbara Wallner, Medical Management Nurse
Western Growers Association

A very good meeting! The people that attended found out that things were not so bad, or that they were in the same boat as everyone else.

Christopher D. Gehrke, Human Resources Director
Wherehouse Entertainment Inc.

I think the Forums are very worthwhile meetings to pass on information and experiences. I feel it is very necessary to have these forums in such a fast moving world of information.

Gary Slemaker, Vice President Information Systems
William O'Neil - Investor's Daily


Charles Foster, International Sales Director
Witco Corporation

I enjoyed the meeting very much. It provided a terrific opportunity for expressing current and relevant business issues and receiving practical ideas for resolution.

Debra Richardson, Vice President Loan Production
World Savings & Loan Association

The moderator created a relaxed and entertaining environment. I felt very comfortable.

Debra McGee, Security Site Supervisor
Xerox Corporation

...informative and well moderated...

Gloria Young, Manager of Administration
X.M.R. Inc.

On behalf of the Kirk Plastic Disaster Recovery Committee, I would like to thank you for having us at your Business Forum luncheon. The tour of the Honda Emergency Operation Center was also quite impressive. We all agreed that both were very enlightening and the information attained will surely be a source of guidance as we continue the task of developing a contingency plan of our own. Again, thank you very much. Having been a part of the forum was definitely time well spent.

Edita V. Pumaren, Vice President, Administration
Kirk Plastic Inc.

Thank you for inviting me to the Business Forum meeting on disaster recovery. I am sure that the information gained will be most valuable. My hope is to not be required to utilize that information too soon. We would be most happy to participate in a marketing related event at some time in the future. Again, it was a pleasure meeting you at the last Business Forum meeting. I am looking forward to the October meeting.

Dave Hardbarger, President/General Manager
Exhibitgroup Inc.

Structural Composites Industries is pleased to support your organization's efforts to bring a product development focus to the Business Forum. By gathering a small, talented group of people from companies doing business in the field of interest, a quick, effective tool for rapidly advancing a product's development cycle has be successfully achieved. I truly believe that your most recent sponsor, Digital Microwave Corp., received a wealth of valuable advice for the mere price of lunch. Seeking guidance from experts in the field cuts through the time consuming process of trial-and-error product development. It also avoids the costly mistake of missing an opportunity for real product innovation through new technology infusion. SCI supports your efforts to help companies tap into the extensive knowledge base that resides in southern California. Keep up the good work and please let me know if I can bring some good advice to another sponsor in the future.

R. Kevin Giesy, SCI Product Manager
Structural Composites Industries

Thank you for inviting me to the April 13th Business Forum which addressed "Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning". Lunch was very tasty, the speakers were enlightening, and audience participation contributed to the quality of the event. Handouts by two of the speakers provided usable products which will expedite the transmittal of information to businesses in my area. Again, I sincerely appreciate your invitation and your efforts to facilitate a forum within which business can advance its goals.

Kate Griffith, Deputy Director of Civil Defense
City of Inglewood California

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 Nothing you may read on The Business Forum
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The Business Forum
Beverly Hills, California, United States of America

Email:  [email protected]

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 The Business Forum Institute is not responsible for  the content of external sites.

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