The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
  their presentation is provided or available." �        �Thomas Mann, 1896

In the words of our Sponsors . . .

The Business Forum delivers very lively debates on key topics of interest for the Information Technology community across a wide spectrum of industries.  These discussions have provided us with critical understanding of important issues as well as how technology can be employed in real world settings.  Just as important, the attendees benefit greatly from the ideas and concerns that are shared amongst their peers in the business community as well as by providing direction for future systems and technologies that will directly benefit their companies.

Ken Salzberg - System Technology Laboratories
Intel Corporation

The Business Forum provides a compelling setting for sharing the latest pragmatic ideas and best practices for improving business operations and performance through Information Technology.  The emphasis on discussion and debate leads to very real insights for everyone involved.

Bob Kalka - Security Business Unit Executive
IBM - Tivoli Group

Just a quick word of thanks for the success of the recent business forums.  It has been a great opportunity for Cisco to discuss issues with customers on a face-to-face basis outside of the normal sales process. We've been using it as a focus group without the one-way mirror. It lets us get frank feedback and opinions from some very hard to reach executives.  So, thanks again. I am looking forward to the next luncheon.

Kevin Flynn - Senior Manager, Security Technology Marketing

Cisco Systems, Inc.

I was immediately impressed by the quality of services offered by (your) team.  (You) have created a tremendous network, dominated by key decision makers, visionaries, and executives from a variety of industries. The topics are relevant, the audience is relevant, everything makes sense.   Our organization will benefit immediately from our most recent (and future) participation.

Brett Nalder - SMB Leader Western Region
IBM Rational Software

Norris Environmental Services' participation as the host of six Business Forum luncheons over the last two months has provided me with a truly unique opportunity to meet with a large number of influential decision makers within our targeted market segment. I particularly appreciated the environment within which the meetings took place and the open candor of the conversation. The identification of new business opportunities through 'Directed Discussion' proved to be a far easier process than I had expected.

While it is not yet possible to accurately evaluate the full impact these meetings have had in new business for Norris Environmental Services, I must admit that the revenue growth we have experienced since we started hosting The Business Forum meetings has been impressive. In the eight weeks since adding your services to our tactical marketing mix, we have experienced a growth of gross revenue of over 27%!!

I would like to express my personal thanks for the time we have spent together and look forward to a continuing business relationship. If there is any way I can be of assistance in furthering the goals of The Business Forum, please do not hesitate to call on me.

Richard A. Henninger, Director Sales & Marketing
Norris Environmental Services

Your organization recently promoted and conducted a series of ten luncheons with Axiom.  I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for what The Business Forum has been able to achieve for us. Using the round table luncheon format, your organization was able to provide a highly interactive setting for Axiom to share observations and insights with a select, targeted audience. This interaction has been extremely useful in helping us temper our market messages and enhance our prospect database. Furthermore, The Business Forum was able to accomplish this for approximately fifty (50%) percent less than it currently costs Axiom to promote and conduct this type of event on our own.

I have enjoyed working with you and your group and look forward to future successes together.

Brian Bouren, Executive Vice President

I wanted to take a minute to comment on the program you developed to address the issues affecting corporations in their quest to protect and secure their information resources. Over the years, I have participated in a number of events designed to address the various issues affecting business leaders and their use of information technology. In all those years, I have rarely found a program or an event that actually delivers all that it proposed. The program, vendor participants and business leaders you brought together for The Business Forum sessions we took part in, in my experience, are unmatched. Our return on our marketing investment dollar was far greater than we anticipated.

When, we consider the associated costs of participating in an industry trade event, hosting a seminar series or participating in an exhibition, I must weigh the resources required to build, staff, execute and follow-up, face-time with the participants or prospects and what I expect the number of qualified leads the event or program will generate. It is clear, that my marketing dollar was well invested when we participated in your program. What was most impressive was the number of senior level attendees The Business Forum attracted and the open interaction generated with industry leaders. This was well beyond my level of expectation!

The fact that you were able to arrange to have senior members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), world class Internet and forensic experts and a cross section of leading Information Technology vendors together for five hours and openly and interactively address the issues affecting corporate managers, in a non-attribution environment, is unequaled.

What is even more impressive, is that you replicated this program across half a dozen cities in four states over three months. We will be following up the contacts we developed through The Business Forum for months to come.

Daniel T. Woolley, VP Business Development
Memco Software Inc.

The Business Forum is exactly the type of open environment where a free exchange of dialogue and ideas that are universally applicable can be discussed without bias.  This allows for real-world examples to be used, real ideas to be vetted, real people to be honest, real learning to take place. I was impressed at the comfort level of the attendees and the level of participation.   It is clear to me that The Business Forum serves its clients well and that the participants trust the Forum and each other, and that kind of established trust is invaluable.  The Business Forum is very effectively managed by Mr. Hathaway-Bates and, while tempered with necessary moments of levity, is kept to a timely and concise schedule. 

The business world often overlooks the value of the face to face meeting, often relying upon virtual technologies that result in ‘virtual’ dialogue where virtual problems are discussed and, after concluding a discussion, one still wonders if they are alone in the issues faced and the follow up action item is to actually speak with a real person.  That is certainly not an issue here.    It is clearly an effective formula - the proof is in the multiple repeat attendees.  I look forward to my next opportunity to participate in The Business Forum.  And the lunch menu merely proves John's reputation as a gourmet.

Coley Moore - Corporate Systems Engineer
Array Networks, Inc.

I would like to take a moment to express our gratitude for the work that you do, as well as for the relationships that have been fostered for us by The Business Forum.  In the space of three 90 minute lunch meetings, Panda has created a great first impression with over 50 large corporations. We have already entered software evaluations at five companies, including a 5,600 employee hospital and a global law firm.

Jonathan Gael - Enterprise Solutions Group
Panda Software, USA, Inc.

We have had two Business Forums and we have been very pleased with the number and quality of companies who have turned out for these events, as well as the format.

The Business Forum is an effective way to establish a closer rapport with prospects and even our current accounts, in dealing with topics of great interest and mutual concern.

Thank you for introducing us to this concept!

Gregory B. Baird, Vice President Group Sales
Blue Cross - CaliforniaCare Health Plans

The Business Forum provides an excellent opportunity to discuss product and industry issues with both customers and competitors.

Tim Shumate, Director of Marketing
BP Chemicals (Hitco) Inc.

On behalf of BPS Reprographic Services, I want to thank you for a terrific meeting yesterday at the Park Hyatt. Since this was our first Business Forum, we were particularly pleased with the unexpected outcome of discovering an entirely new market for our products. Not only did you fill the room with the decision makers we wanted to meet but you created the environment in which new ideas and opportunities were born.

I want to compliment you on your success with the Business Forum. The meeting exceeded our expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if I can be or assistance to you.

Paul Raybin, Vice President
BPS Reprographic Services Inc.

As you know, when we did our first seminar with you, I was very skeptical about The Business Forum's ability to provide a consistent flow of good business connections. You said you had a wide network of contacts, but frankly, I could not be certain without actually experiencing it. I wanted to go on record, by saying, that you have more than delivered the quantity and quality of business contacts you promised.

We have held 10 Business Forums and I can directly account for over 50 solid business connections that emanated from these meetings.  Plus, there are more contacts waiting for me to call. Your concept is unique and valuable. You provide a non threatening introduction for your attendees and a chance for me to demonstrate our value without causing them to ever feel like they are being 'sold'. 

I am looking forward to using your concept in the future. I know we will continue to achieve the same level of success. This is a good investment for us and always has a high cost benefit for our firm.

My best wishes for your continued success.

Guy Baker, Managing Director
BTA Advisory Group

The Business Forum has proven to be a powerful marketing tool for us.  Your organization has been able to bring a senior level audience to the meetings in which we have participated. The interactive format allowed us to have truly meaningful discussions about issues that really affect business today. 

The Business Forum has been very helpful in delivering our market message successfully.

I have enjoyed working with you and I look forward to more successes in the future.

Steffan D. Land, Marketing Manager
Cambridge Technology Partners Inc.

The Business Forum is to be commended for its effectiveness in pulling together the right people to provide answers to business issues and feedback on products and strategies.

These meetings have saved us time, provided some incredible contacts and improved our product strategy timeline.

Patricia Johnson, National Marketing Officer
Check-Up Centers of American (Unicare)

I would like to thank you and your staff for holding the various meetings and luncheons on Composites. We made a significant number of contacts and helped enlighten our view of opportunities in this market.

Your adeptness at facilitating the meetings was a key factor in their success.

James A. Koshak, Vice President, General Manager
CIBA/Geigy Composites

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how valuable The Business Forum has been to CIGNA HealthCare of California. We have Sponsored six luncheons this 12 months in which the president of our company spoke on the future of health care reform. At each of these events, a wide range of employer representatives have been present. We have seen this as a useful venue to interact with businesses.

The Business Forum is a unique organization that provides an opportunity for interaction among program sponsors and potential clients.

As a result of these meetings, luncheon attendees have been asking for additional information about CIGNA and our president has been invited to speak at other engagements.

Jim Harris, Public Relations Manager
Cigna HealthCare of California

I would like to express how impressed I was with the level of attendees at the luncheon in Newport Beach. The wide diversity of industries represented, as well as the high level of company representatives, provided a very stimulating afternoon. There are definite opportunities for Coopers & Lybrand to establish valuable relationships with The Business Forum's members. I look forward to the next series of luncheons.

Toni L. Lewis, Manager Multi State Tax Services
Coopers & Lybrand

After participating in the three meetings you arranged for us, I wanted to let you know that you have delivered exactly what you promised with The Business Forum.

First, you provided us with a forum for delivering a message that simply cannot be delivered by any other means. Second, you did a great job of bringing together the right people at the right level to listen to that message. Third, and most importantly, the result has been that the IT executives we were trying to reach are now not only aware of the information security problems they face, but they are now interested in solving these problems.

An added bonus from our participation has been the creation of new strategic partnerships that we would not have considered prior to our participation.

With what we have learned through this engagement, we have repositioned our offering and are consequently able to handle the much greater volume of business that The Business Forum is bringing to us.

Michael Tiemann, Director of Business Development
Cygnus Support Systems Inc.

I want to take this opportunity to thank The Business Forum for letting Cylink Corporation participate in your program. I found that you have created a most conductive atmosphere for having fun while doing really effective business. I was astounded by your ability to attract a topnotch audience and very qualified and focused speakers. What was more unusual is that you set an atmosphere that allowed great interactions.

The Business Forum provided an outstanding vehicle for Cylink to educate influential business people on issues concerning information security. The relaxed, give-and-take environment allowed us to really reach out to the attendees and provide them practical answers to real-world problems. Furthermore, Cylink has developed a number of key accounts because of contacts made at The Business Forum. So, congratulations to you for providing a unique environment for fostering business. Looking forward to working with you in the future.

Charles S. Williams, Chief Scientist
Cylink Corporation

Thanks for pulling the lunch together. You do an exceptional job in directing the focus of a group in the middle of lunch. I believe The Business Forum provides a unique, very effective marketing vehicle to deliver a message to a well targeted audience. I have recommended that Data General continue to utilize this forum. It is an ideal method to interface with decision makers. 

Michael O'Neill, Marketing Director
Data General Corporation

As you may recall, when Deloitte was first invited to participate in The Business Forum activities, I was quite skeptical as to whether you could get the audiences we need and whether it would result in an expansion of out consulting practice. We are pleased to report that we are very satisfied with the visibility we have received and the leads we are pursuing as a result. Consequently, we plan to continue our sponsorship of The Business Forum's luncheons as part of our marketing plan to expand the visibility of our consulting services throughout California. John, thank you for your personal efforts. Your participation in the luncheons is one of the reasons we believe they are successful. We look forward to a continuing relationship. 

David R. Lewis, Jr., Partner
Deloitte & Touch�

Just a short note to tell you how pleased we are with The Business Forum. Your program allows us to get a group of prospective clients in a room with minimal effort. More importantly, they are always interested in our topics and we get excellent business leads as a result. Keep up the great work!

Trevor Gee, Partner
Deloitte & Touch�

 The luncheon on February 17th was a resounding success.  Pauline Field and I were delightfully impressed with the caliber of attendees and their contribution to the debate on Employment Conflict Resolution.  Employment disputes are exacerbated when no one LISTENS to the employee and when the employee is heard quickly and is responded to by management the costs of conflict are reduced to a minimum.

Jonathan, I look forward to participating in many more Business Forum luncheons.

Barry Allen, CEO
International FieldWorks, Inc

In my current activities as National Sales Manager for the TeamWARE Division of Fujitsu Software Corporation and during my previous responsibilities as Director of Business Development for the Open Systems Division of Fujitsu, I am constantly on the lookout for productive and intelligent venues to reach informed decision makers with our products and technologies. To this end The Business Forum has proven to be an invaluable resource and business development partner. Your forums put us in front of the right people in a relaxed and friendly environment. Fujitsu will continue to participate in your excellent program and looks forward to a long and rewarding relationship.

Jason M. Rose, National Sales Manager
Fujitsu TeamWARE Division

The luncheon program organized by The Business Forum on our behalf has been very successful for the Royal Danish Government Consulate General.  We especially believe that the meetings related to the environmental sector have found the right format, thus proving to be very productive for the participants, the guests, and this Consulate General. 

We look forward to working with The Business Forum in the future.

Lasse Reimann, Consul General
Government of Denmark

I want to compliment The Business Forum on the professional job you do in gathering the specified audience together. The obvious intent is to be exposed to a specific targeted interest group of executives in order to present a topical overview on a subject in which we offer services. Not only has this need been fulfilled, but we have also had the added opportunity to network with various industry executives and get a feel for the basic industry problems, the business climate and in some cases future planning targets of specific companies. I want to congratulate you on providing what I consider to be a needed link between a service company such as ours and the many industries we serve.

Michael V. Mathews, Executive Vice President
Handley-Walker Company

Having sponsored several The Business Forum's luncheons over the past three years, I have to tell you how impressed I am with the program you have generated. The concept of an informal gathering of executives with common interests and concerns is truly an excellent way to examine industry wide problems and collectively approach solutions. I am particularly impressed with the way you can reach into so many varied industries across such a large expanse of real estate and not just locate the appropriate individuals, but actually bring them together in a setting conducive to productive discussions.

You have evidently build a loyal cadre of members who have learned to trust the value and relevance of your forums, and you in turn consistently succeed in providing stimulating and meaningful discussions on subjects that are on the mark. Your approach is refreshingly different and effective in a business environment that is saturated by so called 'Marketing Consultants'. At The Business Forum's luncheons, the "rubber does truly meet the road" and in a setting free of pressure or obligation, some tremendously important market information can be developed in a short time.

I would certainly encourage every potential sponsor to take the plunge and find out first hand how valuable the experience it can be. Keep up the great work.

Ron R. Hill, President
Hill Brothers Chemical Company

I am writing this letter to express my acknowledgment for the marvelous effort you put into setting up Holmes & Narver, Inc.'s forum/luncheon recently at the Sheraton Grande Hotel in Los Angeles. I was very impressed with the manner in which the forum/luncheon was conducted and believe that it was a great marketing opportunity for our company.

Adriana Lovinescu, Senior Architect
Holmes & Narver

HR technologies is very pleased to be associated with The Business Forum. We have participated both as attendees and sponsors, and in both roles it has been a very satisfying experience. The Business Forum is consistently able to put the right person in front of the right audience, with outstanding results. As an attendee, I know that I am going to take part in a forum where I will learn from the speakers and from the other participants.

The speakers are always expert in their fields, and the moderator's incisive questioning actually stimulates more questions from the floor. If a speaker attempts to skirt an issue or hedge on an answer, the moderator is quick to politely, but firmly, call upon the speaker to complete their answer in a way that satisfies the guests. This professional and fair format has meant that I have been able to learn at every Forum I attended as a guest. As a sponsor and speaker, I know that the decision makers from most of the major organizations will be in attendance and will be expecting an expert presentation. If I can do that presentation professionally, I can always be assured the opportunity to compete with existing vendors for those attendees' business in the future.

The moderator focuses on the business needs of the attendees, and ensures that they are addressed in every presentation, meaning that any professional who can successfully present is virtually assured of being recognized as an expert in their field, in the eyes of the attendees. The Business Forum is also an excellent means of networking with others in one's profession. Business Forum topics are focused enough so that all guests who attend are interested in the specific topic, and most will have corporate experience that they can share with the group as a whole. As a speaker and as an attendee, I have always learned from the experience of others.

Myron Oakes, Principal
HR Technologies Inc.

The Business Forum has the perfect vehicle for sourcing Business Information, a concept with 19th Century sophistication and charm, 20th Century acceptance and trust in the business community and 21st Century answers and solutions. A real class act!

Henry Guttentag, President
Sunway Products Inc.

As we close out the year, I wanted to take a few minutes and share some thoughts with you on the business partnership that has developed between IBM Business Recovery Services and The Business Forum.

We have found it to be one which is provocative, stimulating and valuable. "Provocative" because the luncheon meetings provoke an exchange of ideas that would be difficult to achieve in any other setting; "stimulating" because the exchange of ideas causes us to look closely at what we are doing and how we are doing it, and then be creative so that we become better at what we do; and "valuable" because the luncheons enable us to present ourselves to a large number of potential clients in an affordable way. You have done what you told us you would do, which is to deliver an audience made up of interested people who are influencers and decision-makers.

We look forward to great things to come out of this over the next year. My best wishes to you for the continued success in your enterprise.

Gary C. Herron, Western Region Manager
IBM Business Recovery Services

I just wanted to send you a note to let you know just how pleased we are utilizing your Forum's services. What is especially impressive is the quality of the attendees. Most attendees are from major accounts and are the key decision makers within those accounts, such as, IS Directors and VP's of Information Services.

Keep up the great work! I am looking forward to our continued working relationship.

Gary Prince, Director
J. Frank Consulting, Inc.

The Business Forum is, I believe, unique on the West Coast in its ability to assemble a representative sample of the right people and to engage them in commercial dialog.  The Business Forum provides a valuable service by specializing, as a neutral, in knowing who would be interested in what subjects, products, or services and in having the rapport and reputation to get them to agree to gather.  I believe the gatherings themselves are also valuable, particularly in that they are conducted under the latest conceptual, or consultative selling paradigm, with the added fillip of a neutral moderator and raconteur. 

William H. Spuck, Program Director for Industry Affairs
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

It has been less than a year since I met you and learned about The Business Forum, but it seems to me as if we have been doing business forever. I find The Business Forum gives me the type of exposure and introductions that I am looking for on the West Coast with "the greatest of ease."

As Vice President of Marketing for Kanbay Inc. one of my priorities has been to increase our presence on the West Coast and identify key organizations with which we want to work. The Business Forum has been of great assistance in helping us with these objectives and we feel very confident that these opportunities will lead to substantial engagements.

Thank you again.

Dvora Ivankowski, Vice President of Marketing
Kanbay Inc.

It's been many years since I first utilized The Business Forum Organization to introduce my company and its project management services. The interaction with and the feedback from the participants at the first luncheon was a major factor in determining the direction our client services should take. I recently had the pleasure of presenting at your Disaster Recovery Planning seminars in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The turnout in both cities was larger than anticipated and the knowledge and interest of the participants provided a great learning experience for us. You and your colleagues at The Business Forum are to be congratulated. You not only have the ability to invite well qualified people to your seminars, but you provide an educational standard that elicits attendance from so many industry professionals.

David W. Millington
Millington Associates, Inc.

We are familiar with the work you have accomplished in sponsoring events that lead toward the strengthening of our economy and we support the efforts that you are undertaking to encourage the transfer of technology to American businesses. The Western States currently face the challenge of sustaining a competitive advantage. The development and commercialization of leading edge technologies is a key driving force. 

To sustain our quality of life, our goals, strategies and our pursuits must be redirected toward safeguarding our economic and technological strength.

Robert Stark, Director
NASA - Far West Region Technology Transfer Center

Thanks again for your invitation to participate in the up-coming Business Forum meetings in September. Regrettably, we must decline for a very good reason. Project activity from our participation at Business Forum Conferences earlier this Summer has resulted in new business contracts and is utilizing our current consulting staff.

Please know we have enjoyed and benefited from our participation in your Business Forum Conferences over the years and look forward to future activities with you.

Bob Shupe, Director, Western Region Sales
Northrop Grumman Systems Support

As you know, I have now been a sponsor of over fifty luncheons on topics from computer networking to the Internet. I have always found the sessions superb, with a stimulating conversation between knowledgeable colleagues. Keep up the great work.

But I want to especially congratulate you on our most recent forum, "The Internet: A Business Perspective." I have had many great sessions over the years, but by far the sessions that we are currently sponsoring covering the Internet and involving Arthur Anderson, IBM and Chiat/Day and our firm are the best that I have had the pleasure of attending. Your co-sponsor list is (of course) great. Presentation content and format is professional, and your topics certainly timely. Your forums are outstanding or we would not be willing to sign the enclosed contract for a minimum of eight more sessions. And, as a sponsor, I must also compliment you on your ability to get information into the hands of the people that need it. The audience for each session has always been appropriate and they consistently testify to the value of the sessions by seeking me out later for advice and most have had a need for my products.

Without having a mentor like The Business Forum to help them clarify their needs and thoughts on presented topics and to help them to understand how easy it is to solve their problems, many attendees would continue to struggle with issues that others have already resolved. I am exceedingly happy with your organization and will gladly recommend it to anybody. Many thanks for the great forums, I look forward to many, many more.

Bruce M. Clay, Vice President
PC Dynamics, Inc.

This past quarter we have been evaluating the success of our numerous marketing strategies, both locally and nationally. Black and white figures show that dollar for dollar, the contacts generated through The Business Forum provided infinitely greater rewards than by any other means. The cautious skepticism we first exhibited regarding your methods have been wholeheartedly replaced with a healthy respect for your ability to deliver what you promise. We are still generating business from contacts made at a Forum over a year ago. These contacts have additionally steered business our way through referrals to other companies. The ability of the forum to provide contacts with positions of authority have saved us both time and money.

The individuals we have met have had both the ability to generate contracts and sign on the dotted line, a luxury very seldom seen during a primary contact with an organization. I applaud your capabilities and look forward to future marketing with The Business Forum.

Michael P. Gibbens, President
Production Consulting & Construction Inc.

Over the last year, I have participated in six or seven luncheons. These have been both locally and as far away as our San Diego Office. My compliments to you and your staff. The people you have brought to these meetings seem to always be on target for our market. They are pre-selected based on people who are interested in our services.

There is no question that these luncheons resulted in many new assignments for us.

Richard A. Kaumeyer, Jr., Managing Director
Right Associates

I want to thank you for helping our project, "Plasma Technology" conversion from space to commercial applications through The Business Forum. In three meetings, we have interest from over 20 significant business opportunities. These opportunities are for either co-development of technology from "Laboratory to Market" licensing/royalties, or end users.

We believe that your participation and "Can do" attitude has bridged the gap of transferring space applications to commercial users. Thanks for all the leads!

Dean A. Farmer, Program Development Manager
Technology Conversion & Commercial Program
Rockwell Aerospace Corporation

Prior to the six meetings you did for me, I did not really understand what benefit The Business Forum would be to my launching of a new technology into the market place. I felt it was worth a try, based upon your description of potential results and your tactical marketing knowledge reputation. Had I known what I have learned from your meetings, before the meetings, I would have come better prepared for the large degree of interest manifested by the 100+ leads I must now follow-up on. The negative part of your forum is that it provides just too many hard facts and personal contacts for one not knowledgeable in your simple, but overwhelming marketing method. Now, six months after your meetings, I am still following leads and have hot prospects wanting to apply our technology into ten product applications.

I will always recommend The Business Forum as a tactical marketing vehicle, or even a strategic marketing information gathering vehicle, but you must warn people to be prepared for the results!!

As soon as I catch up with your last meetings for us, I will have more.

Larry E. Selmer, Program Director
Rockwell International Corporation

I wanted to write you a short note to tell you that sponsoring and participating in The Business Forum luncheons has really been a pleasure. In my opinion, your technique of bringing business executives and subject matter experts together in a friendly atmosphere to share experiences and address problems associated with a topic a common interest, is a refreshing, unique and very cost-effective approach to building business objectives, reaching a wide audience of decision makers and improving a company's position in the marketplace. Keep up the good work and I look forward to a continuing, long term affiliation with The Business Forum.

Steve Manning, Program Manager, IS Security
Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)

Over the past year I have sent you many emails and letters to give you the most up to date information on Workers’ Compensation reform.  As you know, we have reached a critical point in the reform process and things are changing on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

The Workers’ Compensation Conference Committee met and unanimously passed  (6-0) legislation that is now being sent to the Legislature for vote.  The members of this committee are Senate President Pro Tem John Burton, Assembly Speaker Fabian N��ez, Senators Richard Alarc�n and Charles Poochigian and Assembly Members Juan Vargas and Rick Keene.  I have attached the Conference Report Committee Analysis for the reform package that has just been released.  My team and I have not completed a full analysis, but upon initial review I believe that this legislation, in its current form, follows many themes in “The Garamendi Plan: Bridging the Gap Between Workers and Employers”.  We will be working today and tomorrow to analyze the language and will send our thoughts to you as soon as possible. 

As you know, I’ve worked hard to keep reform of workers’ compensation a priority for California. This issue was driven with substance and knowledge. Now that a solution is near, I want to acknowledge you and the many other people who have worked on the reform process.  Any agreement reached cannot be attributed to just one person.  Without everyone’s input, we could not have moved forward at all. 

JOHN GARAMENDI - Insurance Commissioner
State of California

Nevada Officials were amazed at the quality and level of contacts we gained from our recent luncheons with The Business Forum. Projected impact from these clients is nearly 200 jobs and over $5 million in capital investment.

Officials from the state and regional development authorities have relied on The Business Forum luncheons to promote the state's business advantages.  Over the years, The Business Forum has been used on numerous occasions in northern and southern California cities of our campaign to attract California firms to Nevada. The Business Forum provided our delegation with top flight company representatives who were in the midst of a site selection process. The luncheons were held in intimate yet elegant settings which are conducive to high quality business discussions. 

For the guests, the program is truly unobtrusive. You masterfully moderate the discussions, allowing all members to participate and receive direct answers to their queries. Thank you for the opportunity to experience and benefit from The Business Forum.

Bob Shriver, Executive Director
State of Nevada - Commission on Economic Development

We found the luncheons to be an interesting forum to present our topic. In particular, the question and answer period at lunch was an interesting way to understand people's 'hot buttons' on this topic.  The most difficult aspect of our involvement with The Business Forum was not the presentation, nor the Q&A session, the hardest part of our association with you was the follow-up on the so many prospective leads we acquired at each of the luncheons!

Mark A. Johnson, Computer Risk Management
Arthur Andersen & Co.

If you do what you always have, you will get what you always got. The Business Forum is a great new marketing approach.

Dennis Bustamante, Director
Avacom Corporation

I wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated the professional approach The Business Forum has taken as we presented our professional opinion on the change in approach on the effects of ergonomic regulation. We have presented from the Mexican border to the Canadian border and you have filled the room with key decision makers in every market.

I look forward to our ongoing relationship in this Business Forum endeavor.

Daniel Foote, Ergonomic Legislation Liaison
Steelcase Corporation

As you know I will be returning shortly to Australia at the completion of my term of appointment as Commissioner for the State of Victoria, Australia, covering the USA, Canada and Mexico. I would not wish to leave America without expressing to you my thanks for your assistance in considerably increasing the range of senior business contacts I was able to make in California.

The Business Forum is clearly well recognized among the business community. It is also clear that senior business people in the area value the process and the contacts they are able to make through the Forum database and through the business lunch arrangements the Forum is able to make to bring together a select group of business people in any of a very wide range of business activities. I wish you well with the Forum in the future.

Alan S. Reiher, Commissioner
The State of Victoria, Australia

Congratulations! You delivered the goods, (or in this case the audience). When we scheduled our luncheon presentation 'The Application of Image Technology in Item Processing', I told you that because of the specific nature of this topic it was important that the attendees be knowledgeable in bank operations. On top of that I told you that we wanted to target specific banks in specific areas.

Finally I required that the forum be scheduled for a particular date. I admit that I was skeptical that you could arrange all that. The fact that you did is testimony to the value of your service. Thank you.

Robert W. Harrington, President
Triadigm International

The Business Forum has put us in a very good strategic position: Talking to the right people at the right organizations about the right solutions that we provide.

Michael Andrews, Western Region Marketing
Watson Wyatt Worldwide

I continue to be impressed with the unique forum for communication that you have developed. Each meeting which I have attended has stimulated new thoughts and opened up new paths to problem solutions in the areas being discussed.

The peer group interchange which your sessions foster and facilitate is probably the greatest benefit of your meetings. This certainly has been true for WesTech Gear.

John A. Mayer, President
Westech Gear Corporation

Just a note to thank you for the four Business Forum meetings that you conducted on behalf of Wilson Technologies. As you know, originally, I was very skeptical about the value of these meetings. I went to one of your forums at the request of a colleague. Although I was impressed by the quality of the attendees; the structure, format, content, and timing of the meeting, I wasn't sure that this type of forum would benefit Wilson Technologies.

At my colleague's request. I was willing to try one. The success of that first forum paved the way for the three additional meetings in other locations.  The key to these meetings is having the RIGHT people for MY company attend and participate for a DEFINED period of time.  I wish you continued success and look forward to attending and sponsoring additional meetings this fall.

James E. Antinone, Executive Vice President
Wilson Technologies Inc.

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Animated ArrowAnimated ArrowOur Sponsors have Included

3-Com Corporation
401(k) Advisors, inc.
AAI/ACL Technologies inc.
Aaron Brothers Inc.
acer America inc.
ADA Compliance Services
Aerospace Aluminum inc.
Aerovironment Inc.
agile360, inc.
Alburger Basso De grosz
Alder, Green & Hanson 
Alliance Integration, Inc.
Allied Financial Software
Alydaar Software inc.
American Arbitration Association
American Contracting Services
American Export Trading COMPANY
American Honda motor company
American Medical Associates
American Psych Management
Ameriprise Financial
andersen consulting
aon consulting
ApertuS-carlton corporation
Arcus Data Security inc.
Arizona Public Service
array networks inc.
Arthur Andersen & Co.
Associates Insurance Concepts
Avacon corporation

Baker Thomsen Associates
Bank Julius Baer
bank of America
Barclay Dean Interiors
Baton Rouge International
Bekins moving & storage company
Benefits Planning inc.
Blue Cross of California
blue lance, inc.
Bold Associates
BP Chemicals/hitco corporation
BPS reprographics inc.
BRABEION software corporation
Brio Technology inc.
British telecom
bryant organization
BTA Advisory Group
Buck Consultants
California department of insurance
California mfg technology center
California export office
California - OFFICE OF strategic technology
Cambio Networks inc.
Cambridge management consultants
Cambridge Technology Partners
Candle Corporation
Canoga Perkins corporation
Cap Gemini (America) inc.
Capistrano hospital by the sea
Capp Care inc.
Carleton Corporation
Casparie Resources inc.
Cassidy Employee Services
Cast Management consultants
cch-knowledgepoint Inc.
Century Properties inc.
CH2M Hill corporation
Chaix & Johnson Inc.
Chatterton/Jezek PArTnErs
Chemical Waste Management
chiat/day inc.
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
cigna emploYee benefits
Cigna Health Plans inc.
Cisco systems, Inc.

Commerce One Inc.
community care network
Compro Inc.
Computer Dynamics inc.
computer sales international inc.
Compuware corporation
Concept Engineering Group
cooley godward
Coopers & Lybrand LLP
Corroon & black llp
Cotkin & Collins llp
CTR Business Systems, inc.
Cummins &  White llp
Cygnus Solutions, Inc.
cybertrust, inc.
Cylink  corporation
Data General corporation
Dawco Products, inc.
DCS Systems inc.
Decision Management Company
Deloitte & Touche llp
Det Norske Veritas
Deutsche Bank
Direction Focus
DMR Corporation
Dow Chemical company
DP Specialists inc.
Drug Prevention Strategies
dumonde solutions, inc.

earth technology corporation
ebi Solutions llc
Economic Research Institute
enhanced solutions corporation
Ernst & Young llp
execufit health programs
federal Bureau of Investigation
First Financial corporation
first union securities inc.
Fluor Corporation
Foster Higgins
Frozen Leopard Inc.
Fujitsu (America) corporation
Game Trackers Limited
gardner associates
Garland & Associates
geneva companies

Gensler & Associates
Geraghty & Miller
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher llp
Guidance Software Inc.
Government computer systems inc.
government of canada
government of denmark
government of mexico
Government of Victoria, AUSTralia
Graham & James llp
Grancell Lebovitz llp
grey advertising
greg Stebbins consulting
Grumman Systems Corporation
Haight, Brown & Bonesteel llp
Handley-Walker Company
Hartsfield Company
HCL technologies America inc.
Health Net inc.
Healthcare Metropolis
Healthcare Evaluation
heller Ehrman llp
Higgins, Marcus & Lovett llp
Hill Brothers Chemical Company
Hitachi computer products inc.
Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appel llp
Holman Professional inc.
holmes & narver inc.
HR Technology Inc.

IBM Corporation
IBM Crisis Response Team
IBM - Tivoli Group
IBM - Rational Software
icl International Computer
s LTD.
Imperial Bank
Industrial Relations inc.
Industry Network Corporation
InfoImage  corporation
infomart, inc.
Innovative Resources inc.
Insight Consulting Group
Intel Corporation
intensive hosting/rackspace
interaction associates
Interface Flooring Systems inc.
Internal Affairs Inc.
International Fieldworks
International Rectifier corporation
Internet O.M.N. corporation
Investment Tax Strategies
Investor's Daily
J. Frank Consulting
Jayco interface technology inc.
Jennings Engstrand & henrikson
Jet Propulsion laboratories
John T Lynch Company
Johnson & Higgins
Kanbay Inc.
Kansas City development council
KCI Computering, inc.
Kinsella Boesch Fujikawa llp
Kitsune Inc.
KMpG peat marwick llp
Kraim International inc.

Latham & Watkins llp
lee hecht harrison
Lek/Alcar Consulting Group
Liebert Associates inc.
logicon information corporation
Logicon Ultra Systems inc.
Los angeles police department
M1  Software inc.
Macco corporation
MascoTech-Norris corporation
Maxicare healthcare
McDonnell Douglas info systems
MCI communications corporation
mci systemhouse, inc.
Memco Software inc.
mercer Meidinger Hansen
Microsoft corporation
microvisions corporation
Millington & Associates
Mindatlas pty. ltd.
mirage networks, inc.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius llp
Motek systems inc.
Navisite corporation
Nevada Development Commission
New Momentum, Inc.
nextera inc.
NI Industries Inc.
Norman Kreiger Inc.
Norris Environmental services inc.
Northrop grumman Corporation
northrop grumman data systems
Nossaman Guthner
Novell corporation

Omniplan Corporation
One Community, Inc.
pacific architects & engineers
Pacific Partners Inc.
Pacific States Casualty INS. co.
Palko Advertising inc.
panda software (Usa) inc.
parker Milliken Clark llp
PBS Corporation
PC Dynamics inc.
pcc consultants inc.

pdc Inc.

Peoples Associates inc.
PeopleSoft Inc.
Petra corporation
pettit & Martin
Physical Optics corporation
Pinnacle Strategy Group
pivotal corporation
plancorp project management
Platinum Software Corporation
Polak International
Preferred Health Network
Price Waterhouse llp
Progressive Business Systems
prolific consulting inc.
PSCA, Inc.

Rackspace Enterprise Hosting INC.
Rand corporation
Red Brick Systems Inc.
remotenet corporation
Right Associates
Riviera Finance
RMA Associates
rockwell international
Rockwell Aerospace corporation
Rollins Hudig Hall
Roy F. Weston Inc.
Royal Danish Consulate
Safenet corporation

Science Applications International
sientifix corporation

Satulah Group
Schick Organization
SCS Engineers inc.
SCT inc.
sequent computers corporation
Service Intelligence Corporation
San francisco police department
Sidley & Austin llp
Sierra Monitor Corporation
sierra systems inc.
Solarchem Environmental ltd.
Solsoft, Inc.
Solutions Plus inc.
southern California gas company
Spectria, Inc.
SSP litronic, INC.
state of Arizona
State of California
state of Oregon
State of Nevada

Steelcase  corporation
Sterling Software corporation
storagetek corporation
Stradling Yocca Carlson llp
sullivan curtis monroe llp
sygate technologies, inc.
Symantec corporation
teamone employment services
techgnosis inc.
Teknowledge corporation
Townsend & Townsend llp
Triadigm International
TriCipher, Inc.
unicare healthcare inc.
United Nations business council
URS environmental Inc.
Vision Consulting USA, Inc.
Waldowski stunkel & arendt
watson wyatt worldwide
Webridge inc.
Western Medical Review
Whittaker Controls inc.
Wiggins & Co.
William M. Mercer & co.
Wilson Technologies Inc.
WorldFree, Inc.
XIonics corporation
Zeus Technology, Inc.
Zobrist Consulting Group

This is only a partial list of Organizations, Governments
and Corporations that have sponsored speakers for
Business Forum Luncheons, Debates & Conferences