The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
  their presentation is provided or available." �        �Thomas Mann, 1896

The Business Forum Concept

We exist only to provide a forum where decision makers from business, government and academia in the Pacific States of America can meet to discuss future trends, common concerns and, hopefully to find solutions.

The Business Forum was established in 1982 so that a group of senior executives could question, or more importantly, hear their peers question, selected and recommended experts whose expertise we already believed we had a need to employ. At the very beginning we adopted the statement Thomas Mann made at the end of the 19th Century as our reason to create The Business Forum. This maxim has appeared on everything we have ever published and we believe is as true today at when it was first put forward:

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available." �         �Thomas Mann, 1896

What started in 1982 as a group of three dozen like minded executives seeking to educate themselves, was to grow to become the largest non-affiliated business organization on the West Coast of America by 1996, with the only "no cost and no obligation" ongoing program of debate and information sourcing throughout the Pacific States of America that was serving thousands of decision makers every year.

The operations of The Business Forum were always very simple and are totally dependent upon and directed for the benefit of our supporters. Even the way we choose which subjects on which to hold forums each month and who to put forward as an expert speaker depends entirely upon our supporters, the process we use is as follows:

  1. One of our supporters suggests we should hold a meeting on a particular subject.

  2. We then go out to our many contacts asking them if they can recommend an expert speaker from an organization that has already performed the service, or supplied the product involved, for them on time within budget and that they were completely satisfied.

  3. We then approached this expert and asked them to provide us with a speaker and sponsor (to pay for) the event to be held.

Most sponsors jumped at the chance to participate. For essentially we are going to bring a number of their potential clients into a room at the same time, for far less than it would cost them to do it themselves. The result therefore is that everyone wins.


Business Forum Meetings - Speaker's Understanding

All speakers we present to our guests at a Business Forum event will have agreed to the following understanding and signed an agreement with us.

The Business Forum is dedicated to assisting the Business Community of the Pacific States of America and is an independent organization without political, religious or any other binding interest. The Business Forum has as it's objective the bringing together of supplier and end-user or decision-maker, in a non-sales situation where they may discuss shared objectives and concerns for the introduction of new technologies, products, information and services for the betterment of individual understanding and overall business efficiency.

We believe that identifying expert suppliers of services, products, information or technology, who can then meet with a group of decision makers responsible for the introduction of such expertise into their organizations, can only benefit those who participate, provided that the information and expert opinion are taken to be the prime consideration during any discussion, or presentation.

We understand that our sponsors are seeking to improve the market acceptance of what they are offering for sale, whereas the guests wish to improve their knowledge and ask questions relative to their individual needs and concerns. Everyone benefits from hearing the needs and concerns of other guests, and during this exchange the sponsor has the opportunity to conduct very personal and high level market research and to explain in an open conversational manner what they are presenting to the decision makers assembled.

There are few, if any, organizations that are able to do what The Business Forum did consistently and successfully every month throughout the Pacific States of America. Therefore, abiding by this understanding is essential to ensure the continuation of our reputation and the benefits enjoyed on an ongoing basis by all of our sponsors and guests. When the speaker/expert enters the room for a Business Forum, he or she is meeting a group where the overwhelming majority of those present will be pre-qualified decision makers, therefore we insist upon strict adherence to the rules we have developed. These rules are standard and have proven beneficial to our sponsors, members and guests over the years, in many meetings on an on-going basis with The Business Forum.

  1. Guests are invited to attend at no cost and no obligation whatsoever, but must give two business cards to the moderator before the meeting.

  2. Parking will only be validated at the close of the meeting.

  3. Everyone agrees to behave in a civilized manner, not to interrupt while someone else is talking, refrain from any sort of profanity and obey the directions of the moderator at all times. Anyone who wishes to comment should inform the moderator by lifting their hand and they will be the next speaker. The moderator may ask anyone (expert or guest) to stop speaking and surrender the conversation to someone else, at any time.

  4. No selling of any kind by either the guests, the speakers or the sponsor, is allowed during the meeting. Presentation materials from the sponsor may be placed in the meeting room, however no guest is obligated to take these materials, nor may materials be handed out during the meeting without the prior public agreement of the moderator.

For the benefit of all our sponsors, members and guests, it is essential that all of our speakers understand and agree to these rules at the outset.

By 1996 The Business Forum was active in:


The Pacific States of America


The Business Forum, its Officers, partners, and all other
parties with which it deals, or is associated with, accept
absolutely no responsibility whatsoever, nor any liability,
for what is published on this web site.    Please refer to:

legal description

The Business Forum
Beverly Hills, California, United States of America

Email:  [email protected]
Graphics by DawsonDesign

 �  Copyright The Business Forum Institute - 1982 - 2015  ** All rights reserved.
 The Business Forum Institute is not responsible for  the content of external sites.

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Charter Members of
The Business Forum

The date below each name signifies when each person was inducted as a Charter Member. The professional position the Charter Members held when they joined The Business Forum is shown.

John Hathaway-Bates
June 12th, 1982

At the time of establishing The Business Forum John was a Commercial Tactician with many years of International experience. He has been elected a Fellow of the British Society of Commerce, the Institution of Buyers, the Institute of Directors, the Institute of Administrative Accountants, and the Institute of Purchasing & Supply and a member of the Institute of Marketing, the British Institute of Journalists and the Institute of Management.  He is the author of "Tactics" and "Fast Track Marketing in a Global Economy" and he wrote the American Management Association's "Executive Guide to Office Space Planning & Design" and several other works published in Europe and America.  He has also lectured on business and marketing in Europe, Asia, Africa and America at major Universities and before other professional audiences.

Cris H. Dawson
June 12th, 1982

At the time of joining The Business Forum Cris was President of Dawson Design. He graduated from the Chouinard Art Institute with a degree in Fine Arts and also holds a Masters Degree in Fine Arts & Design from the California Institute of Arts. His conceptual and communications graphics have been featured in exhibitions both in America and abroad and he has been presented with awards from prestigious societies and organizations.

David W. Millington
June 12th, 1982

At the time of joining The Business Forum David was Vice President of Administration for MGM/UA. He graduated from Brixton College (London) and holds a professional designation in Building & Construction Industry Management from the University of California Los Angeles. David has wide International experience in the fields of Real Estate Development, and Administration with major corporations in Europe and America.

Robert R. Sherman
June 12th, 1982

At the time of joining The Business Forum Rayne was President of the Sherman Design Group. He is a graduate of Woodbury University with a degree in Interior Design and also teaches Interior Design at California State University Long Beach. Rayne has many years experience in Facilities & Commercial Interior Design and is a past President and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Business Designers (California Chapter).

David R. Brooks
June 12th, 1982

At the time of joining The Business Forum David was completing his accounting degree at California State University Long Beach while with Regency Financial Services.  Subsequent to gaining his degree David has worked with the tax departments of Coopers & Lybrand, KMPG Peat Marwick and Ernst & Young. David is currently providing tax consulting and compliance services to a wide variety of industries, including: financial services, manufacturing and real estate.

Harold Amens
May 26th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Hal was President of Lyon, Popanz & Forester. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Denver and an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Hal has wide international experience in information systems working with some of the world's leading firms and corporations in the areas of corporate strategy for communications and electronic media.

James C. Moore
August 11th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Chip was the Human Resources Director at Pepperdine University. He holds degrees in History, Languages, International Relations & Business from the University of Southern California and Pepperdine University. Chip has lectured and written on the subject of Human Resources for both academic and professional audiences and has taught Political Sciences in Europe and America. He is also fluent in several languages.

Greg Strick
August 11th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Greg was Manager of Operations Systems for Litton Data Command Systems Inc. He holds an MBA from Pepperdine University, a PhD in Sociolinguistics from Georgetown University and degrees in the field of Education and Government/International Relations. He has international experience in Operations, Logistics, Project Management, Information Systems, Training and Education.

Joseph Byrne
August 11th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Joe was the Corporate Director of Human Resources with Unocal Corporation. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University and a Masters from MIT. Joe has wide International Operations experience and is an active member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and American Petroleum Institute.

Larry R. De Jarnett
August 11th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Larry was a Partner with A T Kearny Management Consultants. He is a graduate of Southern Illinois University with degrees in Business Administration and Personnel Management. Before joining The Business Forum he was Vice President of Information Technology for Lear Siegler and before that spent fifteen years with Ford Motor Company with responsibility for Financial and Systems Management.

Gary L. Saenger
September 9th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Gary was Senior Vice President of Human Resources for Security Pacific Automation Company. He is a graduate of Idaho State University with degrees in Education and Personnel. He has experience in Employee Relations, Communications and Policy Implementation and Training. Previously he served with the American Hospital Supply Corporation as Human Resources Director.

Roger O. Schultz
September 14th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Roger was President of ROS Associates. Roger holds a degree in Sales & Marketing from Syracuse University, and he also holds degrees in Business Education, Marketing and Economics from Cleveland State. He has International experience in Marketing, Research & Development, Engineering, product planning & introduction, management and business evaluation.

Stanley C. Abraham
November 19th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Stan was Professor of Marketing Strategy & Management at Pepperdine University. He graduated from the University of London with a degree in Engineering and holds a PhD in Management from UCLA and a Masters from MIT. Previously he was senior policy analysts at the Rand Corporation. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the World Future Society.

David T. Hulett
November 30th, 1987

David holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford University and holds an AB from Princeton. He is a member the American Economic Association. and the National Association of Business Economists. He was Economist for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and Chief of Economic Statistics at the US Office of Management and Budget and Director Energy Source Analysis for the US Department of Energy.

Frank Kiyomura
November 30th, 1987

At the time of joining The Business Forum Frank was President of the design firm of Kiyomura Associates Inc. He holds a degree in Business from the University of California Los Angeles. He is a prominent member of the California Facility Planning & Architectural Community, his work is recognized Internationally and he was the founder and President of Interspace Inc. He is active in multi-national business ventures, especially in the Far East and he is fluent in Japanese.

Scott Kohno
September 27th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Scott was President of Chaix & Johnson Inc. Scott holds a degree in Economics from the University of California Los Angeles and holds an MBA from Pepperdine University. He has wide international experience in the world of Architecture and Interior Design and he is active in the international architectural community and is recognized as one of the world's experts on retail space planning.

Robert H. Gassner
January 1st, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bob was President of CNS Inc. He has taught at several Universities and has also published many articles and specifications. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Metals and is also a past Chairman of the Aerospace Metals Engineering Committee. He was previously Chief of the Metals Section and the Administrator of Research and Development for the Douglas Aircraft Company.

June Jones
January 13th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum June was Senior Vice President of Human Resources Policy at First Interstate Bank. She holds degrees from the University of California Los Angeles in Philosophy and Sociology and holds certificates on Labor and Business Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. June has many years of teaching & professional experience in Labor management and employee relations.

Dean K. Allen
February 10th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Dean was developing Real Estate in Rancho California. He holds an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania and a BEMA from the University of Southern California. Dean is also a member of the American Association of Cost Engineers, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is a Director of the American Society for  Macro- Engineering. Previously he was Chairman of Fluor Engineering Group.

Robert J. Brown
April 29th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bob was President of Computer Dynamics Inc. He graduated from Western Michigan University with a degree in Business Administration. He is a member of the Business Network and a Vice President with Rotary Club. Previously Bob held key executive positions with Xerox Corporation (Computer Services Division) and I.B.M. Service Bureau Corporation in Product Development.

William A. Sleeper
May 6th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bill was Vice President of Finance for Mika Company. He holds an MBA from the University of California Los Angeles and is active in the Financial Executive's Institute and the California Society of CPA's. Before joinign The Business Forum Bill was with Coopers & Lybrand, and  he has extensive experience in the fields of Financial Management, Budgetary Controls and especially Financial Systems design and implementation in several fields.

Eugene F. Page, III
July 15th, 1988

At the time of joining The Business Forum Gene was the International Director for The Faulkner Company. Gene holds a degree in Economics from Villanova University and an MBA from the University of Southern California. He has international expertise in Real Estate and is a member of the Society of Industrial Realtors, Urban Land Institute and the International Development Research Council. Gene is fluent in German and has taught English at Seoul National University Korea.

Duanne A. Paul
January 13th, 1989

At the time of joining The Business Forum Duanne was Senior Economist with Bank of America in Los Angeles. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of California. He is Chairman of the Greater Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Panel of Economic Advisors, and also a member of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation and the National Association of Business Economists. He has written for many publications.

Bruce M. Clay
December 31st, 1989

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bruce was the General Manager ServTel Corporation, a division of ACER America. He holds a BSc degree in Math & Computer Sciences from Western Illinois University and an MBA from Pepperdine University. Bruce has wide experience in computer sciences and has written many articles published in Europe and America, appeared on Radio, and he has spoken at many industry conferences on diverse computer related subjects.

Barbara J. Montz
May 3rd, 1991

At the time of joining The Business Forum Barbara was President of Marketing by Design. Barbara holds an MBA from New York University, and a degree in Political Science from Pennsylvania State University and studied International Relations at the University of Mannheim and the University of Cologne in Germany. She has wide international experience in the field of multinational Project Management and Marketing on all five continents and is fluent in German.

Robert Anderson
May 24th, 1991

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bob was serving as the Vice President of Human Resources for International Rectifier Corporation. He graduated from the with a degree in Arts and Social Sciences from the University of California Long Beach. Bob has industry-wide experience in negotiation and personnel planning and held the position of Western Regional Director with the International Service Employees Union, AFL/CIO.

Robert J. Toering
March 1st, 1996

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bob was President of MascoTech Norris Industries Inc. Bob holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and a Masters in Product Design from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has wide experience in the field of Manufacturing and contract negotiation. Previously he held executive positions with General Defense Corporation, Mare Mont Corporation and Rodman Laboratories.

David Paulson
March 1st, 1996

At the time of joining The Business Forum David was Treasurer and Controller with the Los Angeles Times. David holds a degree in accounting from the State University of Minnesota and an MBA from the University of California Los Angeles. He is a member of the Los Angeles County Technology for Learning Project, International Newspaper Financial Executives Association and the Printing Industry Association Mayor's Round Table.


George H. Banks
June 12th, 1985 (1982 - 1994)

At the time of joining The Business Forum George was a Partner with Parker & Cabaldon. George is a graduate of Oxford University and holds a Masters degree. He has wide International experience in the discipline of management team development and is a recognized authority in the field of senior level executive search. He has held management positions in corporations both in Europe and America and George is fluent in several languages.

Charlotte Beer
May 31st, 1991 (1991 -1996)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Charlotte was Director of Facilities and Communications for Recycler Publications. She is a graduate of Exeter University (England). She is a member of the British Academy of Film & Television Art, and the International Facility Management Association of which she is Program Director, Los Angeles, and the British American Chamber of Commerce. Charlotte is also fluent in French and Italian.

Mary Cogswell
June 12th, 1985 (1982 - 1996)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Mary was President of Gardens in Glass. She studied Fine Arts at Pennsylvania State University and at the Southern Methodist University and her work has been exhibited internationally. She has been recognized as a world leading stained glass artist and was commissioned by the City of Los Angeles to create a limited edition which the City presented as gifts to foreign dignitaries.

JoEllen M. Hagerty
December 2nd, 1987 (1987 - 1989)

At the time of joining The Business Forum JoEllen was Director of Human Resources for Sierra Concepts. She is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley. She is a member of the American Society for Personnel Administration. She has wide International experience in recruitment, compensation, affirmative action and the field of employee relations, having worked in South America and Europe. JoEllen is also fluent in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Jerome M. Lyons
September 16th, 1987 (1987 - 2000)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Jerry was an Independent Consultant. Jerry previously was Vice President, Administration for Cherry Textron VSI Corporation. He graduated from Loyola University with BA and M.Ed. degrees and held an MBA from Pepperdine University. He taught courses on Labor Relations and Business Law and was well experienced in the field of manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical and Retail Industries.

Kenneth W. Oder
April 22nd, 1988 (1988 - 1994)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Ken was Chairman of the Employment Law Department of the law firm of Latham & Watkins. He graduated from the University of Virginia and is an active member of the State Bar of California and the District of Columbia Bar. He has lectured and written for the University of Virginia Law Review, American Arbitration Association, the California Trial Lawyers Association and other professional bodies.

James P. Sundquist
January 1st, 1987 (1987 - 1998)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Jim was in private practice, Jim was previously Director of Administration for Decision Management Company Inc. He graduated with an Arts degree from Hamline University and held a Juris Doctor degree from William Mitchell College of Law. Jim had wide experience in both Contract and Proposal negotiation on an International basis with both major Corporations and Government Organizations.

Alan Hensley
September 14th, 1987 (1987 - 2001)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Alan was Vice President of Distribution for the Fashion Channel Inc. He graduated from Iowa State University with degrees in Science and Business Administration. He has wide experience in the field of Distribution Management, having held executive positions with such organizations as Yokohama Tire Corporation, Aaron Brothers, May Company and Pacific Connections.

Marshall W. Vorkink
February 10th, 1990 (1990 - 2001)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Marshall was a Senior Partner with Cummins & White. Marshall graduated from the University of California Los Angeles with a BA and Juris Doctor degree. He is a member of the State Bar of California & the LA County & American Bar Associations and was elected to the American Board of Trial Advocates. Previously he supervised the California-Nevada litigation department of the Union Pacific Railroad.

Robert E. Nelson
February 28th, 1998 (1998 - 2007)

At the time of joining The Business Forum Bob was the Vice President of Business Strategy with Northrop Grumman Corporation. Bob holds a degree in Engineering and a Masters Degree in Engineering Systems Management from UCLA and an MBA from Pepperdine University. Prior to joining Northrop Bob held management positions with Singer Librascope and with Magnavox where he worked on navigation systems. In all Bob has over thirty years of aerospace industry experience.