"It is
impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
their presentation is provided or available." � �Thomas Mann, 1896
Formats for Business Forum Events
The Business Forum
uses a variety of meeting formats, depending upon the subject matter involved. Sometimes
just a few decision makers having lunch with an expert can produce
better results than a large meeting, whereas for subjects of immediate import to all of our members, where a series of experts addressing the subject better suits the needs of our members and guests, we may
well invite more than a hundred executives to attend
a Business Forum.
Table Luncheons
put all of our guests, the moderator and the keynote
speaker at the same table, in an open conversation that is allowed to develop after everyone has introduced themselves. These smaller forums are particularly suited to the introduction of new technologies, services and products in great detail and allow for a completely interactive, intimate and stimulating conversation. They are ideal for dealing with ideas or policy, as the moderator always ensures that everybody is given time to contribute to the conversation, should they wish to join in the debate.
Panel Debate Luncheons
Panel Luncheons are geared to dealing with
complicated subjects, by presenting a panel of experts from a wide variety of
disciplines to answer the questions of our guests. The guests are seated
at tables that face a head table which is always set on a raised platform, so
that our guests are assured eye contact with all of the speakers. To allow all
that wish to to join in the discussion the moderator moves around the room
during the luncheon, which allows him to take a microphone to those guests who
wish to pose a question to the group. Business Forum Conferences.
We organize conferences where an in-depth information
exchange is necessary. Conferences begin with a continental
breakfast, followed by a series of presentations. At the end of the morning
presentations, after a short break, our guests move to another room for a Panel Debate Luncheon on the subject matter presented during the morning by the experts. A selection of materials from the sponsors is available at all Forum Conferences and an informal reception is held at the close of the meeting, so speakers and guests may talk further.
Focus Group Luncheons
seat our guests around the outside of a large open square table. This format has proved perfectly suited for discussions regarding services, presentations on new law or tax changes, etc. where each question requires a detailed answer. It also allows eye contact for a larger group of people. Because of the amount of information which is generated at a focus group luncheon, the sponsors will often supply note pads and pens to all the guests and in some cases a single sheet outlining the major points for discussion they consider important to the conversation.
Closed Meetings
are designed to
bring together a small group of senior decision makers or experts to act as a focus group. These meetings serve to
allow experts to discuss change factors, or decisions which may affect their business or could create
new opportunities for everyone involved. Such meetings range in subject
matter from pure Research and Development sessions, to a foreign governments
wishing to learn the needs of Pacific States
organizations wishing to operate in their country, to technology companies
assembling a group to help redesign or improve
their offerings.
simply, The Business Forum strives to bring the most up-to-date information, the most innovative of products, and the most forward-looking experts to each and every meeting in a format suitable for each specific topic. A format for discussing electronic commerce may not suit the needs of our members for discussing tax law changes. The Business Forum also provides a moderator for every meeting to always insure that everyone stays on the subject and that the strict rules of civilized behavior and a non-sales atmosphere are maintained. Fair play is always assured for
the guests we invite to our events, whether it is an intimate luncheon for six
or a conference event for hundreds. Every guest attending a Business Forum event
may participate in the discussion and everyone gets a chance to join in and take part in the debate should they wish.
The Business Forum Institute

Expert Debate Forums
are designed to promote a moderated discussion between experts from
business, government and academia to highlight progress and the current
concerns and needs of a majority in the economic community.

Discussion Meetings
In this
format the rules are read and our guests introduce themselves and then the
speaker leads off the conversation, (sometimes using a short 10 or 15
minute introductory slide presentation) and the moderator merely ensures that
the rules are obeyed by everyone taking part in the discussion as it develops. The
number of guests at these meeting is limited to ensure input and they are drawn
from a pre-qualified set of parameters to assemble a group of peers with
similar decision making responsibilities
The Business Forum
has been hailed as unique in both what it does and how it does it.
At a Business Forum
event you will only meet your peers and experts The Business Forum has chosen
with the advice of its members. It does not reduce the experience in any way
that the food is world class and usually rates at least four stars. We try to
always hold our functions in the very best hotels. We choose the hotels we use
based upon the abilities of the chef and the quality of service. We even cover
the costs of valet parking for our members. In other words . . . (Guest
we always strive
to make the experience as satisfying for all of our guests as it can be, solely
for the benefit of The Business Forum Association members who have made it all
possible for us, ever since the very first luncheon was held in 1982.
Business Forum Luncheons are non-smoking. The menu is always a salad
appetizer followed
by either a chicken or fish entr�e and according to the fifth rule of The
Business Forum, "the dessert shall always be very rich, and preferably
chocolate". We will provide special dietary meals provided we
are given sufficient notice. The third rule of The Business Forum "no
profanity will be tolerated and everyone agrees to behave in a civilized manner"
is always strictly enforced. Even for Members, there are
some restrictions on which Luncheon or events they may attend, as we want to ensure the benefits our guests
receive and ensure the highest level of debate.
The Business Forum, its Officers, partners, and all other
parties with which it deals, or is associated with, accept
absolutely no responsibility whatsoever, nor any liability,
for what is published on this web site. Please refer to:
The Business
Forum Beverly Hills, California, United States of America
[email protected]
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All rights reserved.
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