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Thomas Mann, 1896
The Business Forum
Author Profile
- Kevin Dickey
Kevin D. Dickey is the Deputy
CIO and Chief Information Security Officer for Contra Costa County.
He has over 34 years of government experience in the field of
Information Technology. He currently oversees the Contra Costa
County Information Security Program for the County�s 38 Departments
to ensure consistent rollout of this County-wide Program and was the
first Information Security Officer in a California County Government
(58 Counties) Kevin pioneered the formation of a State-wide
Information Security Forum through the California County Information
Services Directors Association (CCISDA) to ensure that all
California County�s have the ability to build and maintain a uniform
Information Security Program. He is also the Co-Chair for the
establishment of California State standards for Electronic Health
Information Exchange (E-HIE) let by the California Privacy and
Security Advisory Board (CalPSAB). He was a member of The Pacific
NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) which is a Public-Private
Partnership consisting of the American states and Canadian provinces
of Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon,
Washington, and the Yukon. PNWER's mission is to foster sustainable
economic development throughout the entire region in the event of
any disruption due to manmade or nature disaster. He has been a
regular speaker or panel member at various seminars for many years,
discussing the issues such as Continuity Planning, Information
Security Program �Best Practices�, HIPAA and Privacy of Government
Controlled Information. Kevin was also the first �Security Counsel�
in the premier edition of Chief Security Officer (CSO) magazine, was
on the Editorial Advisory Board for SC Magazine and has been
published in many industry and government periodicals.
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