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The Business Forum Journal


Author Profile - Pauline Field

Pauline Field is the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of International FieldWorks, Inc. and is responsible for the assignments and management of some 900 senior professionals throughout the world.  A consultant for over nineteen years, her specialties are operational improvement, conflict resolution, business development and executive coaching. 

Pauline has consulted major corporations in the U.S. and Europe including General Electric, Times Mirror, TRW, AT&T, not-for-profit organizations such as World Vision and Mountains Conservancy, small companies such as Cambridge Computers Ltd., Jason Natural Products and government agencies such as City of Los Angeles.

She has redesigned companies, department by department, kept companies out of the courts through resolution of conflicts, and assisted executives in growing and expanding their businesses.   Her understanding of business comes from having been an employee, contractor, vendor and owner.

Prior to her career in consulting, Pauline spent several years in management in the legal, publishing, and manufacturing fields and in high tech sales. She has published numerous articles and audio tapes on business practices and management skills, has appeared on radio and television and is a sought-after speaker.  Her Bachelor’s degree is from Cal State, Northridge and she completed her Master’s work at Cornell University in New York.

This issue article by Pauline Field

The Sophocles Society

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