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Animated ArrowAnimated ArrowPopulation Growth or Decline and Quality of Life Factors by Roman Catholic Majority Countries by the Year 2050

  Countries Listed by Other Majority Religions
   animated large gold symbol of Islam Muslim  Protestant  Orthodox  gold buddhist wheel animated Buddhist  animated gold OM, large Hindu 3D Animation : red starCommunist  anamated large gold Star of David Jewish 

Countries Listed by Continent or Region
Africa - Asia - Caribbean - Europe - North America - Oceania - South America

Countries Listed Alphabetically
Click on the first letter of the name of the Country you wish to research.   Then scroll down that page to find your choice

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  Central Intelligence Agency      Home  UK Foreign Office = % Population will drop by 2050    = % Population will increase by 2050

Angola   68%   + 230%
  2003 Population - 13,100,000
GDP $ 1,578 - Living In Poverty  70%
Population 2050 (projected) 43,100,000 
  + 230%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Angola does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile

Freedom House Report     World Health Organization

USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 645.7 million

Belgium    75%  + 6%
2003 Population - 10,400,000
GDP $ 27,932  - Living In Poverty  4% Europe
Population 2050 (projected)  11,000,000 
  + 6%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
  Belgium complies fully with the minimum standards for
    the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 16
    United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - NIL

Bolivia  98   + 79%
2003 Population - 8,586,443
GDP $ 2,370 - Living In Poverty 70% S America
Population 2025 (projected) 12,200,000    + 79%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Bolivia does not fully comply with the minimum
    standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14F / 16M
    United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 2,345.9 million

Cameroon 40% animated large gold symbol of Islam 20%   + 96%
  2003 Population - 15,746,179
GDP $ 1,269 - Living In Poverty 48%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 30,900,000    + 96%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Cameroon does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 369.5 million

Central African Republicelaborate celtic cross25% + 68%
 Home  2003 Population - 3,683,538
GDP $ 1,289 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 6,200,000
  + 68%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Cameroon does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 82.9 million

Congo    50  + 186%
2003 Population - 3,625,039
GDP $ 1,036 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 10,600,000 
  + 186%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Congo does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 793.2 million

Croatia    77 - 1%
2003 Population = 4,422,248
GDP 8,102 - Living In Poverty 37%  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 4,300,000    - 1%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Croatia does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 223.5 million

Dominican Republic  95% + 54%
    Home  2003 Population - 8,715,602
GDP $ 5,792  - Living In Poverty 25% Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 13,400,000     + 54%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Dominican Republic does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings 
Age of Consent - 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 32.8 million

El Salvador    90%   + 86%
     Home  2003 Population - 6,200,000
GDP $ 4,701 - Living In Poverty 48% N America
Population 2050 (projected) 12,400,000     + 86%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
El Salvador does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 3,499.9 million

Gabon    75%    + 87%
2003 Population - 1,321,560
GDP $ 5,514 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 2,500,000    + 87%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Gabon does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 62.7 million

Guatemala  80%   + 120%
  2003 Population - 13,909,384
GDP $ 4,144 - Living In Poverty 75%
N America
Population 2050 (projected) 27,200,000 
  + 120%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Guatemala does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 1,545.4 million

Honduras  90%   + 114%
  2003 Population - 6,669,789
GDP $ 2,510 -
Living In Poverty 53%  N America
Population 2050 (projected) 14,700,000 
  + 114%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Honduras does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,767.9 million

Italy     90%    - 9%
  2003 Population - 57,998,353
GDP 26,169 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 52,300,000     - 9%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
  Italy complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 193.4 million

Liechtenstein  87%  + 11%
  2003 Population - 33,145
GDP 33,394 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 40,000    + 11%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Liechtenstein complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ NIL

Madagascar  45%   + 286%
  2003 Population - 16,979,744
GDP $ 993 - Living In Poverty 71%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 65,500,000    + 286%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Madagascar does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 21
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 469.1 million

Mexico 89%  + 46%
  2003 Population - 104,907,991
GDP $ 8,903 -
Living In Poverty 40%  N America
Population 2050 (projected) 153,200,000    + 46%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Mexico does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 12
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 688.5 million

Monaco  90%  + 15%
  Home  2003 Population - 32,130
GDP 26,382 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 40,000    + 15%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Monaco complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ NIL

Palau  49%  + 30%
Home  2003 Population - 19,717
GDP $ 9,450 - Living In Poverty  N/A  Oceania
Population 2050 (projected) 30,000    + 30%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 467.5 million

Peru  89%    + 58%
  2003 Population - 28,409,897
GDP $ 4,888 - Living In Poverty 54%
S America
Population 2050 (projected) 42,800,000    + 58%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Peru does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 2,598.3 million

Portugal  97%   - 10%
  2003 Population - 10,102,022
GDP 17,573 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 9,400,000    - 10%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Portugal complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14 / 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 642 million

San Marino    90%    + 23%
   Home  2003 Population - 28,119
GDP 25,259 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 40,000    + 23%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
San Marino complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - NIL

Slovakia  60%   - 12%
2003 Population - 5,430,033
GDP 11,994 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 4,700,000    - 12%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Slovakia does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 79.7 million

Switzerland  44% 37%  + 0.2%
  2003 Population - 7,318,638

GDP 30,139 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 7,400,000     + 0.2%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Switzerland does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ NIL

 Trinidad & Tobagoelaborate celtic cross30% animated gold OM, large24% - 7%
2003 Population - 1,304,209
GDP $ 9,796 - Living In Poverty 21%  Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 1,200,000    - 7%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
  Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 38.7 million





















Argentina     92%   + 48%
  2003 Population - 36,900,000
GDP $ 11,920
- Living In Poverty 51.7%
S America
Population 2050 (projected)  54,500,000    + 48%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Argentina does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 12
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization

USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 37.3 million

Belize     60%    40%   + 110%
  2003 Population - 300,000 
GDP $ 5,351 -
Living In Poverty 33% S America
Population 2050 (projected)  600,000 
  + 110%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Belize does not fully comply with the minimum
    standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings

Age of Consent - 16
    United Nations International Migration Profile

Freedom House Report     World Health Organization

USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 126.3 million

Brazil  85 + 25%
  Home  2003 Population - 182,032,604
GDP $ 7,537 -
Living In Poverty 22% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 221,400,000
  + 25%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Brazil does not fully comply with the minimum
    standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings

Age of Consent - 14F / 18M
    United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 738 million

Canada 42% 40%  + 16%
Population - 32,207,113
GDP $ 29,235 - Living In Poverty N/A  N America

Population 2050 (projected) 36,600,000      + 16%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Canada complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ NIL

Chile     77 + 41%
2003 Population - 15,665,216
GDP $11,265 - Living In Poverty 21% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 22,200,000    + 41%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Chile does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 12
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 299.2 million

Congo (DR)   50%   + 220%
  Home  2003 Population - 55,225,478
GDP $ 346 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 181,300,000 
  + 220%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Congo (DR) does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 55.2 million

Czech Republic  60% - 10%
2003 Population - 10,249,216
GDP 15,340 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 9,200,000    - 10%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Czech Republic complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 35.2 million

Animated Flag of East Timor East Timor    90%   + 84%
2003 Population - 997,853
GDP $ 500 - Living In Poverty 42%  Asia
Population 2050 (projected) 1,400,000     + 84%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A


Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 73.0 million

Equatorial Guinea60% + 143%
    Home  2003 Population - 510,473
GDP $ 5,239 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 1,200,000     + 143%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Equatorial Guinea does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 17.5 million

Germany  35% 34%   - 18%
Home  2003 Population - 82,398,326
GDP 26,205 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 67,700,000    - 18%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Germany complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 2.1 million

Guyana    50% animated gold OM, large 35%   - 34%
Home  2003 Population - 702,100
GDP $ 4,046 - Living In Poverty N/A S America
Population 2050 (projected) 500,000 
   - 34%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 13
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 108.1 million

Hungary    68   - 25%
  2003 Population - 10,045,407
GDP 13,473 - Living In Poverty 9%  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 7,600,000      - 25%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Hungary does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 75.5 million

Kiribati  52%  40%    + 137%
Home  2003 Population - 98,549
GDP $ 1,671 - Living In Poverty  N/A  Oceania
Population 2050 (projected) 200,000 
  + 137%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A


Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 4.0 million

Lithuania  80%   - 10%
    Home  2003 Population - 3,592,561
GDP 7,978 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 3,100,000     - 10%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Lithuania complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 36.8 million

Malta  98%   - 8%
     Home  2003 Population - 400,420
GDP 9,263 - Living
In Poverty N/A 
Population 2050 (projected) 400,000    - 8%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 76.8 million

Micronesia 50% 40%  + 45%
Home  2003 Population - 108,143
GDP $ 4,093 - Living In Poverty  27%
Population 2050 (projected) 200,000    + 45%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization

USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,448.8 million

Mozambique 30% animated large gold symbol of Islam17%   + 9%
     Home  2003 Population - 17,479,266
GDP $ 805 - Living In Poverty  70%  Africa
   Population 2050 (projected) 19,000,000    + 9%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Mozambique does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,336.1 million

Panama    85%   + 68%
2003 Population - 2,960,784
GDP $ 2,027 - Living In Poverty 37%  N America
Population 2050 (projected) 5,000,000    + 68%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Panama does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 12 / 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 819.8 million

Philippines  83%   + 63%
  2003 Population - 84,619,974
GDP $ 5,166 - Living In Poverty 40% Asia
Population 2050 (projected) 132,800,000    + 63%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Philippines does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 12 / 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 3,696.7 million

Rwanda  57%   + 108%
  2003 Population - 7,810,056
GDP $ 799 - Living In Poverty 60%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 17,300,000    + 108%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Rwanda does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 863.7 million

Animated Flag of Sao Tome and Principe  S�o Tom�  80%   + 285%
  2003 Population - 175,883
GDP $ 954 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 500,000    + 285%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Sao Tome does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 18.4 million

Slovenia  90%   - 15%
   Home  2003 Population - 1,935,677
GDP 18,490 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 1,700,000    - 15%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Slovenia does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 7.5 million

Animated Flag of East Timor  Timor Leste  90%   + 84%
  2003 Population - 997,853
GDP $ 500 - Living In Poverty 42% Asia
Population 2050 (projected) 1,400,000    + 84%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 73.0 million

Uruguay  66%     + 24%
2003 Population - 3,413,329
GDP $ 8,878 - Living In Poverty 24% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 4,200,000 
  + 24%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Uruguay does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 80.0 million

Austria     78%  + 1%
    Home  2003 Population - 8,200,000
GDP $ 28,233 - Living In Poverty  4%
Population 2050 (projected)  8,200,000 
  + 1%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Austria complies fully with the minimum standards for
   the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 4.9 million

Benin  30 animated large gold symbol of Islam 20%  + 156%
2003 Population - 7,000,000
GDP $ 888 - Living In Poverty  37%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected)  18,000,000    + 156%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Benin does not fully comply with the minimum
    standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
    United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 321.9 million

 Burundi  62  + 152%
2003 Population - 6,096,156
GDP $529 - Living In Poverty  68%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 15,400,000 
  + 152%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Burundi does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 272.1 million

Cape Verde    80%   + 76%
  Home  2003 Population - 412,137
GDP $ 3,640 - Living In Poverty 30%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 800,000 
  + 76%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 165.4 million

Colombia    90  + 52%
2003 Population - 41,662,073
GDP $ 6,519 - Living In Poverty 55% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 67,300,000     + 52%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Colombia complies fully with the minimum standards for
   the elimination of trafficking of human beings.
Age of Consent - 12
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 2,480.8 million

Costa Rica    70  + 56%
    Home  2003 Population - 3,896,092
GDP $ 7,838 - Living In Poverty 21% N America
Population 2050 (projected) 6,300,000    + 56%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Costa Rica does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,130.7 million

Dominica    70 + 17%
2003 Population - 69,655
GDP $ 5,192 - Living In Poverty 30% Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 100,000    + 17%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Dominica does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 10.8 million

Ecuador   95%    + 73%
       Home  2003 Population - 13,710,234
GDP $ 3,905 - Living In Poverty 65% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 21,700,000     + 73%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Ecuador does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 741.1 million

France    89 + 7%
2003 Population - 60,180,529
GDP 26,809 - Living In Poverty 7%  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 64,000,000    + 7%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
France complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - NIL

Grenada  53%  47%   - 17%
  2003 Population - 89,258
GDP $ 8,370 - Living In Poverty N/A Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 100,000 
  - 17%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - 17
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 60.2 million

Haiti    80%    + 100%
  2003 Population - 7,527,817

GDP $ 1,107 - Living In Poverty 80% Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 15,100,000 
  + 100%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Haiti does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 18
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,733 million

Ireland    92   + 18%
  2003 Population - 3,924,140
GDP 30,004 - Living In Poverty 10%  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 4,700,000      + 18%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Ireland complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 17
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 366.3 million

Liberia  40%  animated large gold symbol of Islam 20%   + 165%
 Home  2003 Population - 3,317,176
GDP $ 2,965 - Living In Poverty 80%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 8,800,000    + 165%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Liberia does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,009.9 million

Luxembourg  80%  + 31%
  2003 Population - 454,157
GDP48,665 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 600,000    + 31%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A
Luxembourg complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report      World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ NIL

Martinique 85%    + 5%
Home  2003 Population  - 380,966
GDP $ 10,700 - Living In Poverty N/A Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 400,000   + 5%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - 15
    United Nations International Migration Profile

   French Territory or Possession

Moldova 98%   + 8%
    Home  2003 Population - 4,439,502
GDP 1,958 - Living
In Poverty 80% 
Population 2050 (projected) 4,600,000    + 8%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Moldova does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 332.3 million

Nicaragua    85%   + 98%
  2003 Population - 5,128,517
GDP $ 2,027 -
Living In Poverty 50%  N America
Population 2050 (projected) 10,900,000 
  + 98%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Nicaragua does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 1,167.9 million

Paraguay  90%    + 142%
  2003 Population - 6,036,900
GDP $ 4,171 - Living In Poverty 36%
S America
Population 2050 (projected) 15,000,000
    + 142%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Paraguay does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 204.9 million

Poland  90%   - 12%
  2003 Population - 38,622,660
GDP 10,315 - Living In Poverty 19%  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 33,900,000    - 12%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Poland complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 15
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - 502.2 million

Saint Lucia    90%  + 45%
  Home  2003 Population - 162,157
GDP $ 6,048 - Living In Poverty N/A  Caribbean
Population 2050 (projected) 200,000    + 45%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - NIL

Seychelles    87%    + 11%
  Home  2003 Population - 80,469
GDP $ 12,700 - Living In Poverty N/A  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 100,000    + 11%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report - N/A

Age of Consent - No Legal Definition
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 40.1 million

Spain  90%    - 0.5%
     Home  2003 Population - 40,217,413
GDP 21,351 - Living In Poverty N/A  Europe
Population 2050 (projected) 41,300,000      - 0.5%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Spain complies fully with the minimum standards
   for the elimination of trafficking of human beings.

Age of Consent - 13
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 190.9 million

Togo   29% animated large gold symbol of Islam 20%   + 78%
  2003 Population - 5,429,299
GDP $ 1,608 - Living In Poverty 32%  Africa
Population 2050 (projected) 9,700,000    + 78%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Togo does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 14
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 213.4 million

Venezuela  96%   + 62%
  Home  2003 Population - 24,654,694
GDP $ 6,402 - Living In Poverty 47% S America
Population 2050 (projected) 41,700,000 
  + 62%
Trafficking in Human Beings Report
Venezuela does not fully comply with the minimum
   standards for the elimination of trafficking human beings
Age of Consent - 16
   United Nations International Migration Profile
Freedom House Report     World Health Organization
USAID Grants taken 1962-2002 - $ 116.7 million

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