The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
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Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, June 18th, 2002 
- 11:45am to 1:30pm

 This will be a Round Table Luncheon Meeting

Compliance Essential Training Courses
Sponsor: MindAtlas Pty. Ltd.

exterior photo of the Wilshire Grand   The Wilshire Grand Hotel 

     930 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017

     Driving Instructions to The Wilshire Grand Hotel



The June Human Resources Roundtable is going to be devoted to a revolutionary new system of Compliance Essential Training Courses that utilize Palm (hand-held) computers that has seen major successes in Australia and is now being introduced to the United States. 

The legal headaches (and costs), to say nothing of the time consuming handling of everything from sexual harassment to general safety in the workplace have long been a real problem for the HR Director.  The Executive Responsibility and Liability of ensuring that every member of your workforce is suitably trained and kept up to date, can use up many hours of what would be otherwise productive work time of your employees.

This new training system should take away a lot of the headaches and can bring cost savings of up to 80% over standard training systems.  For the worker it provides a simple, enjoyable, legally accurate (one might even say fun) way of learning what the law says he or she must be trained to understand.

The programs can be individually tailored to meet an HR Directors special needs or there already exist off-the-shelf programs on many subjects i.e.: General Safety, Risk Assessment, Hazard Identification, Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Detection, Sexual Harassment, Equal Opportunity, Bullying, Racial Discrimination, Health & Safety etc. etc.

Simplicity - cost savings - employee satisfaction - multi-location application, this system promises it all - with proof that it works.

Why not join us for lunch and pose your questions to the experts?  We in turn will promote an open debate to discuss it all.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever placed upon
our guests by attending and even their valet parking will be paid.


Registration Form


Your Name:
Your Title:
Your Company:
Your Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
Your Phone:
Your Fax:
Your E-Mail:
What is your business:
Number of Employees:
The Luncheon will be on:

Reply: (Choose Answer)

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