The Business Forum

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La Jolla, San Diego, California
Tuesday, February 11th, 2003 
- 11:45am to 1:30pm
 This will be a Round Table Luncheon

Integrating Systems, Clients & Suppliers
Will Web Services Change Everything?

 Sponsor:  eBI Solutions, LLC

  The La Jolla Marriott Hotel

   4240 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla, San Diego, California

    Driving Instructions to The La Jolla Marriott Hotel  

The Internet - TCP/IP, the World Wide Web - HTTP, and XML have not only revolutionized Information Technology, but have survived the scrutinizing minds of business decision makers worldwide. Already in widespread use today, TCP/IP, HTTP, and XML provide the foundation for Web Services. Formed by and evolving with the help of governing bodies and industry standards, Web Services provides a framework with which to leverage your existing IT infrastructure in order to deliver value to your business easier than ever before.

But don't get caught up in the hype. Web Services is simply a mix of standards and processes with which to employ already widely adopted technologies as a means for translating and transporting business data while leveraging the business functionality that resides within existing business systems. The standards-based nature of Web Services provides the investment protection needed to mitigate the risks inherent to adopting new technologies.  Yet, not without knowing the idiosyncrasies of Web Services standards and challenges of Web Services implementation will we be able to realize value with it.

In order to determine if Web Services will fit into your application integration strategy, you must first determine how it will benefit your business, and understand the challenges you will face as you chart the course and travel along your roadmap to Web Services and Application Integration success.

In this forum, we will discuss how to uncover and face these challenges, how to manage them, what it takes to plan well, and how to determine short and long-term needs for Web Services implementations. With the input of other professional guests we shall hopefully arrive at a conclusion on how to select the appropriate technology based on stated needs, and how to ensure that your ROI does not slip away from you.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever
placed upon our guests should they decide to attend.


Registration Form


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