The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
  their presentation is provided or available."           Thomas Mann, 1896

Los Angeles, California
Thursday, November 14th, 2002 
- 11:45am to 1:30pm

 This will be a Round Table Luncheon Meeting on the subject of:

Proactive Web Site Management

Rackspace Enterprise Hosting Division, Intensive Hosting

exterior photo of the Wilshire Grand   The Wilshire Grand Hotel 

     930 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017

      Driving Instructions to The Wilshire Grand Hotel

Most organizations have come to realize the economic benefits and the competitive advantages of doing business on the Internet.  Today, we expect to have fast, reliable and secure information at our finger tips. We want our brands and products in front of customers around the World. We want to integrate with our suppliers and distributors to reduce the time to market and lower costs. The challenge however, is managing evolving Internet technology, yesterdays breakthrough has already become today’s standard. 

The questions facing everyone from company officers to web developers are many and varied, but if some of the following ones apply to you, then this is a luncheon discussion you should make sure you do not miss:

1.     Are you looking to improve web site up-time and performance?

2.     Do you want to capitalize on the advantages of .NET technology and reduce your time spent updating your site, investment in R&D and employee training?

3.     Would you like to be able to scale your application or web infrastructure on demand with customer growth and revenue, and at the same time be able to reduce your investments in hardware, software, bandwidth and data center space?

4.     Are you looking for alternatives to the expensive disaster recovery solutions you have in place, but will probably never use?

In other words, how do you improve the efficiency of your Internet exposure to the satisfaction of everyone from the CFO to your Marketing Director, your on-line clients and your customer relations department? If you would like to find out, there is probably no better alternative than joining us for this open discussion luncheon.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever placed upon
our guests by attending and even their valet parking will be paid.

A Reservation is Required


Your Name:
Your Title:
Your Company:
Your Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
Your Phone:
Your Fax:
Your E-Mail:
What is your business:
Number of Employees:
The Luncheon will be on:

Reply: (Choose an Answer)

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  [email protected]
