The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
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San Jose, California
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003 
11:45am to 1:30pm
This will be a Round Table Luncheon Meeting.

Employee Benefits: Where to from here?

Sponsor: Benefits Planning Inc.

   The Doubletree Hotel

    San Jose, California

      Driving Instructions to The Doubletree Hotel


Is it only two years ago that we were offering signing bonuses, stock options, top hat retirement plans, highly promoted 401(k)�s, enriched healthcare benefits and whatever else we could think up, just to be able to recruit good people from what seemed to be an ever shrinking labor pool, in a marketplace where growth was the only word being shouted down from on high?

Today it is a completely new Century it seems, where the emphasis is all about ROI, productivity and operating a lean organization, keeping the excellent and shedding the excesses we somehow took on during the 1990�s. Yet again Benefits are all the rage in the corporate hierarchy and the government�s focus, as profits and reduced revenues seem to be the headlines that matter. Oregon is considering mandating a quasi national health service and California is going ahead creating laws demanding that employers pay people not to work; and health care premiums look like they will skyrocket in coming months; signups for 401(k)�s are not meeting the numbers that are needed, and what do stock options matter when the stock market is reeling?

It seems to us that now would be a good time to bring together CFO's, HR Directors and Benefits Managers to share their insights and consider what the future might hold for those of us embroiled within the benefits field.  We invite you to join us for lunch at the Saint Francis Hotel on December 5th, 2002 in a gathering of your peers to review the options available to us as we go forward.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever placed upon
our guests by attending and even their valet parking will be paid.

A Reservation is Required


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