The Business Forum

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available"     -      Thomas Mann, 1896

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Orange County, California
Thursday, March 20th, 2003 
- 11:45am to 1:30pm
 This will be a Round Table Luncheon Meeting

Zero Waste Manufacturing
 Sponsor:  Ricoh Electronics, Inc.

Hotel Exterior 1      The Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel

        666 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California

        Driving Instructions to Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel


The Business Forum occasionally holds what we term closed meetings, which allow our members and supporters to get together and assist each other in current needs and situations.  We shall be holding just such a luncheon forum this with Ricoh Electronics, Inc.  REI has been a member of The Business Forum Association for many years, so when they explained to us their advances in zero waste manufacturing we we so intrigued we asked them if they would share their achievements and systems with other manufacturers, and they agreed to do so.

Ricoh is obviously selling nothing through this forum and have been kind enough to agree to explain their complete methodology, and even to offer tours of their facilities to other manufacturing and environmental directors if they should want to do so.

If you have ever asked any of the following questions, this is a meeting you should attend:  How do I get started? - What are the biggest hurdles to achieving waste free manufacturing? - Is it affordable and/or profitable to do this? - Can my company make an impact by doing this? - Is there a role for departments and functions other than the Environmental department in this process?

If you would like to attend this luncheon, we suggest you register ASAP as seats will obviously be limited to allow for an in-depth conversation.

There is of course no cost and no obligation whatsoever placed upon
our guests by attending and even their valet parking will be paid.


Registration Form


Your Name:
Your Title:
Your Company:
Your Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
Your Phone:
Your Fax:
Your E-Mail:
What is your business:
Number of Employees:
The Luncheon will be on:

Reply: (Choose an Answer)

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Beverly Hills, CA 90212 
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