A business printer field service and reverse logistics model
helps explain how an operating system works. The process for such a firm
starts when a business customer with a problem calls an original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) or third party customer support contact, both of which
are used in an attempt to diagnose the problem and provide problem
resolution instructions if applicable. An OEM field technician or third
party certified technician attempts to repair the equipment on-site. If
unable to make the repair, the unit is sent to the OEM or certified third
party repair facility, where a regional-based loaner or exchange program may
be available. The unit is then repaired at the OEM or third party repair
facility. The OEM then ships the returned unit or comparable unit back to
the customer, or places the unit in used stock if an exchange is previously
provided. A field technician is then scheduled to install the loaner unit,
exchange units, or repair equipment at the customer site
As an example, consider firms involved in the aftermarket sales
and services business, and how reverse logistics plays a role. Products in
this business can include accessories, replacement parts, and repair and
service parts. The services could include: product and technical support,
training, product documentation, warranty and claims management, and field
service repairs. As an adjunct to these products and services, reverse
logistics fits the definition by providing for: exchanges and in-warranty
repair, out-of-warranty repair, maintenance, upgrades and retrofits,
remanufacturing, and end-of-life asset recovery and hazardous material
In the aftermarket business, field services and reverse logistics
are generally considered one of the harder areas to manage, coordinate and
operate efficiently. The area is often forgotten or given little
consideration regarding launch of new products, importance to overall
customer satisfaction and loyalty, and company profits.
In a specific case example of how complex the situation can
become and how allowances are made to assure proper services are provided,
we can take a look at what Microsoft did when it decided to introduce its
XBOX. The details help make the point about the importance of paying
attention to the full supply spectrum, including reverse logistics.
Microsoft decided to have the main product manufactured by Flextronics.
Accessories would be produced by a variety of manufacturers. Distributors
and electronics retailers were to perform the warehousing, distribution, and
end customer sales functions. Solectron was used for aftermarket warranty
and customer repair services. Microsoft took the time to ensure the above
capabilities were fully operational before the first XBOX was sold to an end
consumer and that any returns would be processed effectively by the
designated party.
In another example, a cell phone reverse logistics model proved
very beneficial for a firm selling such products under their brand name.
This firm had the cell phones manufactured by LG Industries, Samsung,
Motorola and others. Accessories were again manufactured by a variety of
firms. Order taking and initial end consumer billing was performed by
Amazon. Forward logistics, including warehousing, carrier service
programming and order fulfillment were performed by CellStar. Cellular
carriers such as Verizon and Sprint provided the monthly service. Extended
warranty and product protection insurance was provided by lock/line. The
customer call center service and reverse logistics was performed by
estimates made of the costs involved in the area we are considering indicate
that reverse logistics as a part of supply chain could equal a half percent
of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, an enormous sum that often simply
detracts from financial performance. Saving some of that money is one
avenue for finding benefits. Understanding how to use reverse logistics to
differentiate a business and build satisfaction and revenues with customers
is generally hidden in the twilight of this area.
If we take a look under the covers of this often neglected part
of supply chain, we’ll see how a company can better understand the
opportunities to eliminate many of the reasons for returns and turn
dissatisfaction into satisfaction. The idea is to take a look and consider
where you might do a better job with a nuisance part of your business.
Let’s start by considering some common objective for reverse
logistics initiatives. These include:
• Improved customer
satisfaction and loyalty
• Reduced repair /
replacement unit costs
• Reduced replacement
turnaround times
• Feedback on hardware
design and ease of use
• Feedback on OEM
• Feedback on end
consumer education and first level customer support
• Improve
understanding of real reasons for hardware returns
• Reduce overall level
of returns
• Standardize returns
processes across enterprise where possible/desired
• Utilize common
systems across enterprise and automate the returns process to the extent
• Handle increased
volumes of returns due to new products, programs, business partners
• Enable demand driven
supply chain concepts for returned products
• Differentiate
company services from the competition
Exhibit 1 - Reverse Logistics: Returns, Customer Service, Field
Service, Repair and Replacement

Now let’s look at how you turn the objectives into benefits. A
glance at Exhibit 1 shows reverse logistics can include a multiplicity of
actions, from returning goods from a consumer to the retailer or provider,
receiving customer service or having field service take place to repair or
fix the item in question, or having the product sent to a third party for
repair or replacement. The fact is that reverse logistics includes
virtually all of these services, and we counsel a broad perspective should
be taken to not let this area be a burden to the business.
Most companies tend to place the involved operations in the hands
of a subsidiary part of an existing logistics function and pay little
attention to the effect it can have on the company’s brand, financial
performance or supply chain efficiency. A better view is to take a harder
look at this area of the supply chain and find ways to turn what is
typically a nuisance into something of value to the business.
To make sense out of what we’re considering, let’s remember that
reverse logistics includes all of the activity related to the final
disposition of products that must be removed from the supply chain system.
Such activity involves the processes related to removing products from a
supply chain that do not have value for the customer or end consumer. These
products may be the result of poor workmanship, over-stocked inventory,
outdated or obsolete design, damages, or general dissatisfaction with
product performance. For whatever reason, someone at the end of the
downstream side of the supply chain says “I don’t want it” and the smart
supplier will make it easy to return the goods.
The goal is to make certain the least damage is done to the
firm’s brand and reputation, and to handle the process so it results in a
positive rather than a negative impression. A system of disposition
management is required to handle such situations in an effective and
rewarding manner, with the understanding that reverse logistics is far
different than forward logistics.
In the return situation, there must be a convenient point of
collection for receiving the goods or to remove these goods from the supply
chain. This process step can require inspection, re-packaging, storage, and
salvage of any residual value that might exist; and the development of a
transportation mode that is compatible with the existing forward system of
supply. The range includes credits for unwanted goods that are returned to
inventory, payment for damage that may or may not be a fault of the
supplier, replacement of obsolete product, and simply accepting the return
of goods that have no apparent problem. Much of the goods in the last
category are re-conditioned or re-packaged to go back into the system or to
an alternate buyer. There are many examples of firms using this type of
system to turn what used to be an out-of-pocket loss into a profit by
re-selling the returned goods to a satisfied customer.
Exhibit 2 - Reverse Logistics Model - Small
Logistics Partner

In the model depicted above, the partner receives the returned
goods and makes a test to determine if the need is for disposal, there is a
major defect and the unit must be repaired, or there is a cosmetic defect
and the unit can be refurbished. In either of the latter cases, the unit is
repaired and placed in stock for subsequent used stock order fulfillment.
In a broader situation, as shown in exhibit 3, the process
becomes more involved. Now we see the unit is returned based on the “return
from” location and goes to a designated center. The same type of processing
takes place, but may also include factory direct repair if authorized by the
OEM. This model is more appropriate where large volumes of product are to
be processed.
Exhibit 3 - Reverse Logistics Model - Large Repair Partners

A model used by a satellite TV service provider is described in
exhibit 4, where we see different business partners being used for returns
processing and minor defect removal versus major product defect repair.
Exhibit 4 - Model for Satellite TV Service Provider

Where there is sufficient volume, cost savings for using a
regional test and refurbishment center can be significant. As shown in
exhibit 5, we see the results of an actual example. In this case, the total
annual savings of $3.5 million was based on 1.4 million returns.
Exhibit 5 - Projected Cost Savings for Refurbishment Center

Reverse Logistics and the Supply Chain Maturity Model
Improving the reverse logistics process starts with making
selections from the list of objectives a firm wants to accomplish with its
attention to this generally neglected area of supply chain. Our list
includes the following common intentions:
Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty - don’t lose customers
because of a bad experience
Reduced repair, replacement or re-shipment costs - handle the process in
an effective manner
Gain feedback from the process to eliminate root causes - demonstrate to
the customer that the firm studies its problems and makes them go away
Improve understanding of the reasons for returns - get to the bottom of
why the system did not function in a fail-safe manner
Utilize common systems and automate the returns process to the extent
possible - Find the way to turn a problem into an opportunity for better
customer satisfaction and a source of revenue
Differentiate the firm’s services from those of the competition - Use
the experience to gain customer confidence and build new sales
With such a list in hand, the next step is to determine what is
currently taking place to meet the objectives versus what must be done to
assure they are fully met. The procedure must follow some basic principles,
Move credit/flag product receipt point for returned product as close to
the customer as possible
Minimize shipping costs
Minimize refurbishment/repair costs
Minimize hand-offs between organizations, facilities, systems, etc. in
order to reduce costs and overall cycle time
CSC has developed a proven methodology for helping take this
step. In Exhibit 6, we see the characteristics and capabilities a firm
demonstrates, as it moves up the familiar supply chain maturity model.
Beneath each level of the model, we see industry examples showing what a
company can achieve as it makes its progress to higher levels of
achievement. CSC has been very successful using this calibration matrix to
help a firm position its reverse logistics activities against what can be
Exhibit 6 - Maturity Grid - Reverse Logistics

Concluding Case Study Example
A concluding case
study will help demonstrate the kind of hidden values we’ve been
considering. The firm is a major provider of logistics services to the
wireless communications industry, serving network operators, agents,
resellers, dealers, and retailers, located in North America, South America
and Asia. Sales are in excess of $2 billion. The business problem was
typical of the industry. Strong competition and low margins were prevalent
factors on traditional forward logistics services. The firm needed to
improve its business customer and end customer service levels. There were
increasing business customer demands for more timely and useful data.
Existing processes were fragmented, inconsistent and error prone. It was a
very labor and paper intensive situation.
The company did have a vision: Focus on diversification into
higher margin product and service lines. Position the firm to provide more
value added customer services with higher profit margins - especially around
reverse logistics including end customer support, advanced exchange
programs, asset recovery, warranty and repair services.
The solution that emerged included some very typical steps in a
reverse logistics situation. The firm assessed its existing application
architecture and technical infrastructure along with the high level business
requirements needed to achieve its vision. A packaged application was
recommended to address gaps in reverse logistics capability and leverage
existing IT infrastructure. The firm reviewed its existing operations and
business processes and introduced industry best practice concepts for
reverse logistics. Business process improvement workshops were conducted,
which were used to highlight opportunities for standardization and guide new
application software configuration, enhancement and implementation.
Finally, the firm performed custom enhancements as needed and implemented
new software to enable enhanced reverse logistics capability.
The results
were impressive:
Re-designed business processes, new reverse logistics application
capability and outsourcing of non-core functions allowed them to expand
and improve level of service to customers, increase sales revenue stream
by adding new customers, and increase overall profit margins
The new reverse logistics solution enabled the following typical
improvements for their business customers (before versus after):
- Reconcile warranty
credit - from 30+ days to <8 days
Average cost recovered per returned unit - from $0 to $90
- Time to process return - from 45+ days to <10 days
- Average cost of replacement unit - from $150 to $100
Enhanced diagnostic reporting and status visibility for business partners
and end consumers
In conclusion, reverse logistics should be taken out of the
supply chain twilight and brought into the open, so it can become an area of
opportunity, as opposed to being a necessary evil. Companies should select
one area of the business, where they can test the concept and develop a
model for using what takes place as a source of knowledge for better
satisfying customers and turning an area of cost into an area of profit.