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Addressing Regulatory Compliance
Author: Bill Rudolfsky, CISSP
Contributed by: Blue Lance, Inc.
In today’s
business environments, computers and information systems have become
critical tools in conducting business. The trustworthiness of these systems
that a business depends on is vital and will increasingly be of interest to
regulators. Relevant regulatory pressures depend on a number of factors,
including industry type, size of the business, the degree of non-public
information that the business processes, and the criticality of the business
to the economic well being of the United States.
This paper
explores the regulatory landscape that influences the demand for information
security and specifically focuses on the role of security event monitoring
within an information security practice.
Surveying the Legal and Regulatory Landscape
Let’s consider
some of the more influential laws and regulations that are helping to drive
the demand for information security:
If a company is in the health care industry or is a business partner
processing data for a company in the health care industry, the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires the
protection of certain health related information, protection that can
only be reasonably achieved through implemented security controls (in
accordance with security standards defined by the Health and Human
Services Agency). All covered entities (i.e.; companies subject to the
regulation) must comply with applicable security standards no later than
April 2006, with the majority of entities obligated to achieve
compliance by April 2005.
The information security related provision within HIPAA is Subtitle F -
Administrative Simplification. Applicable security standards are defined
in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 45 (parts 160, 162, and 164) -- the
“Security Rule”).
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley act of 1999, known simply as GLBA, includes a
provision that requires a company processing customer financial data to
maintain the confidentiality of the data. Companies subject to this
regulation include all Banks, financial service organizations, as well
as many other types of businesses that have access to customer financial
The information security related provision within GLBA is Title V -
Privacy. Applicable security standards are defined by various agencies
assuming regulatory powers to enforce GLBA, including the Office of the
Controller of the Currency (12 CFR Part 30), the National Credit Union
Administration (12 CFR Part 748), the Federal Trade Commission (16 CFR
Part 314), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (17 CFR Part 248).
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 includes a provision that requires a CEO
and CFO of a public company to sign off on the quality of internal
control over the information used in the construction of financial
reports. Weak security-related controls will need to be considered,
since weaknesses can result in the integrity of the financial
information becoming compromised. In addition, a company’s public
accounting firm is required to certify the effectiveness of internal
controls, similar to the way a public accounting firm certifies the
quality of financial reports. Stiff civil and criminal penalties
directed against a CEO or CFO are stipulated for certain forms of
The main provisions within the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that pertain
to information security practices and controls are sections 302 and 404.
SB 1386
California’s Senate Bill 1386 requires any company, regardless of where
it is domiciled, to publicly disclose security breaches that “may” have
led to an unauthorized disclosure of unencrypted data belonging to a
California citizen and where the compromised data can used by a criminal
to commit an act of identity theft. Data that is considered covered by
this legislation includes social security numbers, credit card numbers,
and driver’s license numbers. SB 1386 is motivating companies to beef up
the implementation of controls to prevent breaches, as well as increase
use of detective controls, to enable a timely response to contain
breaches and to demonstrate that “covered data” of California citizens
has not been compromised (eliminating the need for a public disclosure).
USA Patriot Act of 2001
The USA Patriot Act includes provisions that require companies doing
business in the United States to be prepared to provide information to
law enforcement, if the company’s records are perceived as valuable to
combat terrorism. The powers granted through the Patriot Act are rather
broad and normal legal requirements to support evidence discovery/
search and seizure have clearly been relaxed. Records that could be of
interest to law enforcement include computer records and event logs that
can be used to explain computer usage. Any company needs to be prepared
to submit computer records to law enforcement in accordance with law
enforcement activity sanctioned by the Patriot Act.
The relevant provision within the USA Patriot Act, that can lead to
requests from the FBI to access a company’s computer security event
logs, is Section 215, Access to Records and Other Items Under the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
Federal Information Security Management Act of
The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, also known as
FISMA, applies to all departments and agencies in the Federal
Government, as well as to external businesses/contractors that process
data belonging to the Federal Government. FISMA mandates the protection
of information processed by the Government and requires all departments
and agencies to implement an appropriate information security practice
and to apply applicable baseline security standards. For most
departments and agencies, the baseline security standards include
detailed security event monitoring as defined by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The relevant provisions in FISMA, authorizing NIST to set security
standards for the Federal Government, are sections 302 and 303. NIST has
provided appropriate guidance through a number of documents, including
the Special Publication 800 series covering various aspects of computer
FDA Modernization Act of 1997 -- 21 CFR Part 11
The 21 CFR Part 11 regulation was implemented by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to provide detailed rules related to new
information processing requirements associated with the FDA
Modernization Act of 1997. This regulation applies to any company
requiring Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and mandates the
protection of information that is electronically submitted to the FDA.
The regulation specifically defines security event monitoring as a
minimum requirement.
European Union Privacy Directive on Data
The European Union Privacy Directive (EUPD) on Data Protection, a.k.a.
Directive 95/46/EC, was intended to impose a requirement on any company
outside of the European Union to protect personal data that flows from a
country in the European Union into a county outside of the European
Union. To ensure that data is adequately protected, the EUPD requires
the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures
to protect personal data against destruction, loss, alteration, or
unauthorized disclosure or access. Many companies in the United States
have applied for Safe Harbor treatment, offered by the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC), to coordinate compliance with the EUPD. The main
information security related provision within the EUPD is Article 17.
Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission
Section 5(a) provides consumers broad protection against any company
doing business in the United States that is engaging in unfair or
deceptive business practices. The FTC has used this act as the basis for
enforcement actions against companies that have failed to respect their
published privacy policies. Eli Lilly
http://www.ftc.gov/os/2002/01/lillycmp.pdf and;
http://www.ftc.gov/os/2002/08/microsoftcmp.pdf have both been the
subject of the enforcement actions related to a Section 5(a) violation
complaint within the last three years, and in both cases, the FTC
enforcement action required the implementation of a comprehensive
security practice.
Basel II - the new capital accord
One of the newest regulations came out of the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) last year and will have an international impact. The
Basel II accord will require central banks using the services of the BIS
to impose new capital reserve requirements on Banks operating within
their countries. Basel II requires that “operational risks”, in addition
to other risk factors (credit and market risks), be factored into
determining capital reserve requirements. Information-security related
risks are a component of operational risks.
This is the first time information-security related risks will be a
factor in determining how much capital a Bank must place in reserve.
Capital in reserve does not generate any revenue. The maturity of a
Bank’s information security practices, including the maturity of the
practices of outside service providers that process a Bank’s data, will
be factored into a quantitative assessment of operational risk. Banks
that have less mature information security practices or are dependent on
outside service providers with immature practices will be penalized
financially through the requirement to maintain higher capital reserves.
The central banks need to refine guidelines to ensure that capital
reserves adequately factor in operational risks. In the meantime, many
Banks, and their outside service providers, will be motivated to improve
their information security practices to be best prepared for the
forthcoming changes in capital reserve requirements.
Broad guidance covering how operational risks will be factored into
determining capital reserve requirements is provided in Section V,
Operational Risk within the third consultative document entitled The New
Basel Capital Accord, published on April 29, 2003 by the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision.
The Importance of Security Event Monitoring in
Achieving Regulatory Compliance
A common element
to the above laws and regulations is the need for regulated businesses to
put in place comprehensive information security practices. Some of the laws,
such as HIPAA, FISMA and the FDA Modernization Act, have resulted in
regulators putting specific emphasis on the importance of security event
monitoring. Other regulations may not be quite as explicit, but it is almost
impossible to argue that “information protection” requirements are being
effectively met, unless security event monitoring is performed to detect
intrusive activity and ensure accountability.
With the above
in mind, it is clear that there are many laws and regulations that establish
a sound business case for increased information security; organizations
subject to laws and regulations that fail to demonstrate due diligence in
implementing appropriate information security measures incur elevated risks,
including the risk of liability, the risk of being subjected to enforcement
actions from regulators, and the risk of experiencing reputation losses with
potential loss of customers (and revenue) resulting from negative publicity
associated with non-compliance.
As we look
toward the future, we must consider the implications of legislation
currently before Congress (including many new privacy-related bills) and
understand that the legal forces driving the demand for security can be
expected to only intensify in the years to come.
Achieving an Effective Level of Security Event
particular laws and regulations will generally not stipulate what system
activities are to be monitored, the implication is that the level of
monitoring should be sufficient so unauthorized access to information that
should be protected can be recognized and acted upon. A business will need
to consider various ways in which information can be compromised in
determining the most effective level of monitoring. Opportunities may exist
to monitor activity from a number of vantage points including:
operating system’s perspective (using available system level auditing
The network
communication perspective (using network traffic monitoring tools).
From the
perspective of the application processing protected information (using
available application transaction logging capabilities).
A database
management system’s perspective (using available database access logging
The importance
of a particular level of logging will be situational, where varying
circumstances could make the information in one activity log important one
day, but less important another day.
In order to
design an effective monitoring policy, a business may seek guidance from the
widely respected information security management standard, ISO 17799, and in
particular, clause 9.7 within the standard entitled “Monitoring System
Access and Use.” Requirement 9.7.1 within this clause specifically advocates
the importance of recording exceptions and other security-relevant events.
This includes records of successful/rejected system access attempts (logons,
logoffs, and connections) and other successful or rejected resource access
attempts (including file access).
The business
case for comprehensive monitoring at the operating system level can be
further strengthened when considering scenarios that could compromise the
confidentiality or integrity of information that needs to be protected.
Examples of such scenarios (and potential compensating monitoring practices)
include the following:
review of information in files containing information that needs to be
protected, including unauthorized access by employees possessing
privileged access to administer access controls at the application,
database, or operating system level.
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor use of privileged accounts and access to sensitive files.
Compensating Monitoring Practice: Monitor
changes to access controls and compare changes to management approved access
changes to application, system software (including operating system
components), or other critical control files, with the intent of
changing the behavior of the system and introducing opportunities that
can lead to unauthorized access to information that needs to be
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor changes to executable software and critical control files.
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor suspicious patterns of activity following a successful logon.
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor rejected attempts at accessing resources.
infiltration by a computer virus or worm that is designed to randomly
grab files and e-mail the compromised files to randomly selected e-mail
addresses. If through a stroke of bad luck a grabbed file contains
confidential information that needs to be protected, this type of attack
could potentially lead to a violation of privacy related requirements.
It may be worthwhile to note that the concept of designing a worm with
file grabbing properties was experienced with the highly prevalent
Sircam. A computer worm and is likely to be repeated with new
viruses/worms programmed with similar capabilities.1
1 Based on Virus Incident
Statistics reported by Trend Micro Incorporated, as of January 28, 2004,
1,765,727 computers were infected with the Sircam.A variant of the
Sircam worm.
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor attempts at accessing sensitive files out of a normal context.
of a technical vulnerability in the operating system or some other
system software running in a privileged mode, allowing a skilled
adversary to obtain “privileged control” over the compromised system and
potential unauthorized access to information that needs to be protected
on the penetrated system. Statistics reported by Carnegie Mellon
University’s Emergency Response Team (CERT) over the last 3 years
illustrate a steep increase in reported vulnerabilities, with many
vulnerabilities introducing ways to get unauthorized privileged access
to vulnerable systems. 7,913 vulnerabilities were reported in 2003 and
2002, compared to 5,033 vulnerabilities reported over the previous 7
years, with many vulnerabilities affecting software that is in
widespread use.
Compensating Monitoring Practice:
Monitor for suspicious patterns of activity attributed to accounts that
vulnerable software runs under.
In reflecting
upon the above intrusive scenarios, one may begin to see a networked
computer system as an inherently vulnerable environment and it may be easier
to understand the challenges businesses will face in ensuring that protected
information is effectively protected. Clearly, the statistics reported by
CERT demonstrate that most businesses will be faced with continuing pressure
to respond to vulnerabilities that affect their computer systems. In
general, operating system level monitoring can help a business manage its
vulnerabilities in two significant ways:
By detecting
the exploitation of vulnerabilities (many which may not be recognized
until they are exploited).
monitoring systems that are known to be vulnerable and must remain
vulnerable while a business waits for the opportunity to apply
corrective measures. Delays in applying corrective measures can be due
to delays in receiving fixes from the vulnerable software’s manufacturer
or delays in applying available fixes due to other reasons (e.g.; the
business does not have the time to test and apply an available fix).
that are exploited can lead to other important controls and logs becoming
compromised, further degrading the integrity of a penetrated environment.
Maintaining a detailed record of activity from the operating system’s
perspective can be advantageous in validating the integrity of other
important controls and logs, including logs at the application and database
management system levels. Of course, this assumes that the operating system
level monitoring capabilities employ reasonably reliable defensive methods
to protect its logs. Without a record of activity from the operating system
perspective, we would not have an independent “controlled” means to ensure
that other logs recording access to protected information have not been
tampered with.
Leveraging LT Auditor+ Capabilities to Help Achieve
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
that are required to implement an effective security event monitoring
practice will be able to take advantage of a number of features in LT
The ability
to use monitoring agents that record system activities from the
operating system perspective. A detailed record can be generated of
access to any file containing information that needs to be protected.
The ability
to use monitoring agents to implement an effective level of
security-event monitoring, achieved through the monitoring of:
access (logons, logoffs, and connections),
Administrative activities (e.g.; account management, access control
Use of
privileged accounts,
to files containing confidential information,
to access controls,
to executable software and critical control files,
Suspicious patterns of activity following a successful logon,
attempts at accessing resources,
at accessing sensitive files out of a normal context,
Suspicious patterns of activity following exploitation of vulnerable
The ability
to monitor systems in a transparent manner.
The ability
to monitor Windows Servers and Workstations, Netware Servers, and SYSLOG-enabled
computers/applications (including Unix Servers, Network Devices, and
firewall appliances).
The ability
to install a monitoring agent from a remote location onto a computer
that needs to be monitored, provided the installer has privileged access
to the desired computer. This remote installation capability eliminates
the need to be physically present at the computer and reduces the costs
in deploying an LT Auditor+ infrastructure within an organization that
has many computers that need to be
The ability
to configure and deploy a monitoring configuration from a central
computer functioning as a management console to computers monitored by
LT Auditor+ agents. Deployed monitoring configurations can be adjusted,
on demand, from the management console, giving Blue Lance Customers the
ability to throttle the level of auditing in response to changing
monitoring needs.
The ability
of monitoring agents to report events in a real time manner, delivering
the reports either through native operating system messaging
capabilities, SNMP, or e-mail agents. Real Time Alerting can give a Blue
Lance Customer the ability to recognize exceptional events (including
attempted security breaches) quickly, so remedial steps can be promptly
taken to contain an adversary and reduce the likelihood that information
that needs to be protected will be further compromised. Real Time
Alerting can be used to notify incident response teams of access to
honey pot files (planted files with fake information that needs to be
protected), in order to more easily identify an adversary, who has
managed to penetrate an organization’s infrastructure and who is
searching for opportunities to compromise information that needs to be
The ability
to use LT Auditor+ filtering methods in order to ignore extraneous data
that is automatically recorded in native Windows logs, increasing the
utility of the log files maintained by LT Auditor+ and avoiding
unproductive information overload.
The ability
to archive native Windows logs for backup purposes and to enhance a Blue
Lance customer’s ability to investigate computer crime.
The ability
to protect the recorded activity in LT Auditor+ log files from being
tampered with, including an ability to transfer log files to a separate
log consolidation computer in order to simplify the management and
protection of archived log files. Log file transferring can be
configured to occur on a scheduled basis (e.g.; off hours) or can be
configured to occur in response to an attempt at shutting down an LT
Auditor+ agent (i.e.; a defensive transfer) or in response to certain
detected events that may be indicative of an intruder (i.e.; another
form of a defensive transfer).
The ability
to protect the integrity and confidentiality of communications between
an LT Auditor+ agent and manager, through the use of cryptography and
other control mechanisms.
The ability
to import LT Auditor+ log files into a relational database management
system on the log consolidation computer, giving Blue Lance Customers a
high degree of flexibility in querying activity information stored in
the database using the LT Auditor+ SQL Report Generator or using other
SQL oriented querying tools.
The ability
to use canned database management scripts to simplify the retention and
archiving of historical data.
The ability
to audit the actions of an LT Auditor+ Administrator and to monitor the
integrity of an LT Auditor+ architecture through status monitoring and
transaction logging.
In conclusion,
this paper has discussed the role of security event monitoring in helping
businesses achieve compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Many
laws and regulations are creating pressures on businesses to implement a
comprehensive information security practice. Security event monitoring can
be viewed as a strategic element of any information security practice and
will be useful in validating that controls are working effectively. Through
security event monitoring, a business acquires the ability to recognize and
respond to intrusive/compromising activities, that if left undetected, could
cause a business to fail to comply with applicable “information protection”
Bill Rudolfsky is the Chief Information Security Officer for Blue
Lance, Inc. and a 23 year veteran in providing Information Technology
Services. Within the last 12 years, Mr. Rudolfsky held various information
security leadership positions for large organizations in the banking and
financial services industry including the Federal Reserve Bank and JP Morgan
Chase. His credentials include obtaining Certified Information Security
Professional (CISSP) status in 1999.
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