The Business Forum

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Creating a New Company for a New Economy

Author: Janet Conn
Contributed by Polak International Consultants, Inc.




This is a challenging time for executives.  Companies are now finding that they need to reinvent themselves to keep up with the demands of global expansion, changing technologies, and attracting and retaining employees.  Amidst these pressures, a CEO’s objective is to increase profits by expanding markets, decreasing costs and ensuring long-term growth.  The Polak Process understands these demands and can assist you in creating the changes in your organization to maintain your competitive advantage.

The Key Characteristics to Compete in the New Economy?

  • A strong corporate leadership

  • A positive value-driven culture

  • A model for employee empowerment designed to attract and retain the very best people

  • A customer focused perspective at all job levels

  • A commitment to innovate and create the internal business processes to achieve organizational goals

What Are The Changes You Need To Make?

Executive and Management Level

  • Engage executives and managers to re-evaluate their company’s mission, values, and strategic vision

  • Develop a visible and accessible leadership team who function as positive role models, and instill a sense of openness that encourages employee participation

  • Train management to think across traditional boundaries; build their capacity to optimize creative thinking and insights to generate ideas and innovations


  • Replace organizational structure with one that places executives in the center, where departments form a circle of life around them

  • Create an egalitarian environment by assessing where changes can be made to achieve a less hierarchical structure

  • Examine alternative ways of defining your culture (eliminating titles, restructuring work space, developing a cross-team approach)

  • Instill a sense of employee empowerment

  • Increase channels for expanding communication throughout the organization

  • Introduce changes gradually; create appropriate mechanisms to build buy-in and stakeholder support

Employee Level

  • Identify the core competencies and valued behaviors that will allow employees to understand the interrelationship between their jobs and the company's strategic vision

  • Design a performance management system that gives employees the tools to take ownership for their own growth and career development

  • Create a mechanism to encourage employees' role in their salary, bonus and benefits decisions

  • Provide opportunities for job change and advancement within the company 

  • Communicate to employees with sensitivity to their personal needs

  • Provide incentives and rewards that are meaningful and fair to each employee

Customer Level

  • Enlist all employees in the organization to identify the various ways their roles interrelate with a customer focused approach

  • Proactively seek ways to exceed customers’ expectations, both within and outside the organization

  • Institute changes in telephone protocol that enhance customer satisfaction

What Are The End Results?

The Process described increases profits and decrease costs by reducing employee turnover and providing a stable workforce.  By creating an environment that empowers employees, the company will be motivating them to be more productive, and experience their work in a more meaningful way.

Employees will see themselves as an integral part of the business process, respond proactively with a customer-focused orientation and understand how their job contributes to the overall strategic vision. 

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