The Business Forum, Inc.

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum
for their presentation is provided or available" - Thomas Mann, 1896


The Concerns Of Human Resources In Relation To The Y2K Bug!

Sponsor: Cambridge Technology Partners

The Business Forum has now held many Forums on subjects related to the potential hazards to computer systems when the Year 2000 dawns and on HRIS as a new management paradigm in general. We have discovered amongst other things that the Human Resources function of most companies and organizations is at particular risk from this inevitable happening and its associated problems and to this end we are organizing a series of meetings on exactly how the Year 2000 will have a significant impact upon Human Resources in general and how to best avoid the potential problems while there is still time to do so.

This meeting will be of interest to any IT Manager, but it is designed to focus the discussion entirely upon the particular needs of Human Resources and HRIS. It is an essential meeting to be part of for every Chief HR Officer and Benefits Director.

It does not take a great stretch of the imagination to understand the many date-related records overseen and responsible for by Human Resources in any organization's function. All records, seniority issues, insurance policies, qualifications files, reports and strategic modeling of any kind is date intensive in its qualification and usability. Security and privacy are also involved and wherever people are related to an organization dates play a part. Without predicting a disaster, (which many have done), it is possible to say that those who have not fully explored the implications will be in the greatest danger. We therefore suggest you join us to evaluate your risk and what you can do to contain and reduce the threat.

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