The Business Forum, Inc.

"It is impossible for ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for
 their presentation is provided or available."     -     Thomas Mann, 1896


The Business Forum Y2K Conferences

Between 1992 and the end of 1999 The Business Forum organized many forums on the subject of the so called "millennium bug", (which, as we all know, is the reason the new century dawned without any real computer problems).  

In 1999 we organized a series of conferences under the title of  The Business Forum Y2K Conference in most of the major cities in the Pacific States of America, where an in-depth information exchange occurred. These conferences began with a continental breakfast, followed by a series of short presentations or lectures from the leading experts of the time.  At the conclusion of the morning presentations, after a short break, our guests then moved into another room for an open discussion Business Forum Presentation Luncheon. 

A selection of materials from the sponsors was made available at all the Conferences and an informal reception was held at the close of the meeting, so that the speakers and our guests could talk further. 

We thought we would leave the history and results of those conferences on our site for a while as a reminder of the real worries that were being expressed at the time.


Articles from Experts

Business Strategies for Surviving Y2K
A Guide for small and medium sized organizations

Author: Robert Hoersch
Sponsored by: California Manufacturing Technology Center - Los Angeles

Most Y2K problems are only software, yet every year over 4 billion chips go into embedded systems, running everything from household appliances to traffic lights to weapon defense systems. This paper provides a good guide to small and medium sized organizations and is an overview that can make the difference between disaster and a non-event.

Security Considerations for Y2K

Author: Dr. Charles Williams, Chief Scientist
Sponsored by: Cylink Corporation

This paper discusses the affects Y2K may well have in the area of electronic security in a world where everything from vital records to financial transactions to proprietary business information is conducted through an electronic medium these days.

Y2K - Who's Problem Is It?

Author: Steve Soderberg
Sponsored by: Industry Network Corporation

This paper is a manager's overview for dealing with Y2K, giving an overview to understanding the problem and how well you and your organization is prepared for the event.

Year 2000 - Last Minute Error Elimination
Software Audit & Due Diligence Process

Author: Tony Panici
Sponsored by: Information Architects - Alydaar Software Corporation

This paper deals with a high level overview of audit activities and deliverables for verifying Year 2000 compliance in client code. It is intended to demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of the participants in addition to the activities throughout the audit process. It provides brief information of the necessary steps for an audit process, starting with client activities, continuing through the audit process and ending with the final deliverable conclusion.


Events Held

Y2K - Auditing The Results Of Your Year 2000 Project
Y2K - Year 2000 Due Dilligence
Y2K - Using Y2K To Re-engineer The Corporate Process
Y2K - Year 2000 Corporate Diagnostic
Y2K - Year 2000 Project: Dealing With Embedded Chips

Audio Cassettes of Meetings

Conference: The Business Forum Y2K Conference with a panel consisting of:

California Manufacturing Technology Center - Y2K & Your Supply Chain
Compuware Corporation - Rapid Application Deployment Strategies
Cylink Corporation - Electronic Security Measures
Data General Corporation - MicroVisions Inc. - Server Based Computing
Northrop Grumman Systems Support - Business Continuity Planning
Sapiens Corporation - Year 2000 Testing & Implementation
Solutions Plus Inc. - Embedded Chips Awareness

Other Reference Sites

Year 2000 Information and Microsoft� Software Updates

US Government Y2K Gateway

Y2K for IT Professionals

ZDNet Articles on Y2K

Y2K Tested!

Y2K Compliance Data Base

The Cassandra Project

Center for Millennial Studies


Y2K Status Reports

Unofficial Y2K Compliance Statement and Disclosure


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