The Business Forum Y2K ConferenceSponsored by:California Manufacturing Technology Center, Compuware Corporation, CTR Corporation, Cylink Corporation, Data General Corporation, Enhanced Solutions Corporation, Kanbay Incorporated, Microvisions Corporation, Northrop Grumman Information Systems, Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Sapiens Corporation, and Solutions Plus Inc.It was our intention to present the leading experts on the subjects our members had informed us most concerned them related to the Millennium Changeover. There had been a great deal of nonsense and misinformation put out about Y2K, and a great deal of misunderstanding had been the result. Therefore, we brought the best of the best in Y2K expertise together to share their insights and knowledge with our members and guests.After a brief introduction for newcomers to the Business Forum Concept, each expert gave a twenty minute presentation on their subject, explaining precisely what they do, why they do it and who they do it for, thereby introducing our guests to a complete overview of each of our chosen subjects. After our experts had made their presentations, we moved to another room for lunch, where the experts formed a panel to answer the questions of our guests and members in our usual Luncheon Discussion format.In all of our General Subject Matter Forums we like to assemble a cross section of private and government organizations and professions to enhance the quality of the discussion. For a list of those who attended or requested information, click here.